Japan Opposes Russian Withdrawal from World War II Peace Treaty Talks – in Order 322- and Illuminati-Tribute

Yes, it’s March 22, the 3/22, as in 322-date, and Japan’s Prime Minister is supposedly angry after Russia withdrew from peace treaty talks with Japan and froze joint economic projects related to the disputed Kuril Islands because of sanctions imposed by Tokyo over Russia’s staged and fake invasion of Ukraine. Japan’s Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, was born on July 29, 1957, and this little outburst comes 129-days before his upcoming birthday. Jesuits = 129 […]

Japan Opposes Russian Withdrawal from World War II Peace Treaty Talks – in Order 322- and Illuminati-Tribute Read the Full Article »

Blue and Yellow and the Predictive Symbolism of the Staged War and previous Psy-Ops

If you’ve followed mine and other decoders work of the staged and very much fake war in Ukraine, then you know about the Gematrical values 24, 42, and 48. They have been all over this staged theatre – all hidden in dates, in words, names, places and in every story in the media. Apart from these obvious riddles and revelations of the truth, there is also a lot of symbolism. One of these, that

Blue and Yellow and the Predictive Symbolism of the Staged War and previous Psy-Ops Read the Full Article »

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shills About the Staged and Fake War, All by the Numbers

Arnold made an Instagram video about the fake war in Ukraine on March 17, exactly three weeks, or 21 days, after it began on February 24. Why wait three weeks? Because he’s a freemason and a shill for the Jesuits and it’s all about the numbers and their rituals. Arnold was born on July 30, 1947. This video he made was posted on March 17, which was 231 days after his last birthday. 231

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shills About the Staged and Fake War, All by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

37-Million People are in Lockdown in China for Imaginary Omicron

Yes folks, here we go again with the biggest scam and psy-op in modern history, the staged and totally fake coronavirus pandemic. At this point in time, most people should realize that they have been conned. There is no such thing as a virus or a contagion. We’ve blown that lie out of the water a billion times. As for this story, it was announced today, March 15, 2022, on several media outlets, including

37-Million People are in Lockdown in China for Imaginary Omicron Read the Full Article »

More on the Staged War and 48 – The Number of Propaganda

We have covered 24, 42, and 48 in previous decodes, especially the one I made on the day of the staged invasion of Ukraine on February 24. That decode show you, without a doubt, that the whole staged and mostly fake war is done by the numbers, as they always do. It’s scripted. As for their third big number, 48, all you need to do is to search the web for keywords such as

More on the Staged War and 48 – The Number of Propaganda Read the Full Article »

It Will Not End – Covid Variant ‘Deltacron’ Hyped on the 2-Years Anniversary of the Staged and Fake Pandemic

It’s been two years since the Satanic World Hell Organization declared the staged and fake Coronavirus Pandemic on March 11, 2020. And on the 2-year anniversary of this evil Psy-Op they confirm a new imaginary variant called ‘Deltacron’ – another made-up computer model of something that does not exist. At this stage, most people should have realized that they have been conned for two years. As the year of the Tiger begun on February

It Will Not End – Covid Variant ‘Deltacron’ Hyped on the 2-Years Anniversary of the Staged and Fake Pandemic Read the Full Article »

Russia-Ukraine War to Increase Inflation to 5.6% in Europe

Look at that, yet another 56-ritual as Barclays has upped its 2022 Europe inflation forecast by 1.9 percentage points to 5.6%. Just as I wrote a few days ago in my ‘Reality Check – The Staged Pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War.’One of the ongoing agendas is to crash the economy, introduce a cashless society with a one world digital currency and make us all economic slaves. Society of Jesus = 56 (The Jesuit Order, the

Russia-Ukraine War to Increase Inflation to 5.6% in Europe Read the Full Article »

The March 4 Volodymyr Zelenskyy Actor-Hollywood Ritual

And there we go, I predicted on February 28 that something should happen or involve Zelenskyy and his acting career on March 4. And here we are with the silliest piece of crap from CNN, “Volodymyr Zelensky’s acting career prepared him for the world stage.”Of course, it did. Because the public presidents and prime ministers are ALL actors controlled by the hidden hand, the 13 families and the Jesuit Order. My full decoding of

The March 4 Volodymyr Zelenskyy Actor-Hollywood Ritual Read the Full Article »

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