Russia Allegedly Strikes Kyiv During UN Chief’s Visit

Here we go again with another Jesuit 201-ritual. And as usual, the fabricated stories by the media are so juvenile and dumbed down that you’re amazed that people actually think these things are happening. And if the war actually was real, do you think the warmongers would just say, “oh bollocks, the UN chief is visiting our most sought-after target, let’s stop attacking for a few days while he’s there, then we’ll resume the […]

Russia Allegedly Strikes Kyiv During UN Chief’s Visit Read the Full Article »

Man Allegedly Set Himself on Fire at Supreme Court in Washington, DC – Tribute Ritual to Russel Wilson?

A man set himself on fire Friday on the plaza in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. He was airlifted to a hospital where he later died. The man was claimed to be ‘Wynn Bruce’ of Boulder, Colorado, according to an MPD spokesperson on Saturday. This supposedly happened on the 112th day of the year. Man Sets Himself on Fire = 112Boulder = 112 On

Man Allegedly Set Himself on Fire at Supreme Court in Washington, DC – Tribute Ritual to Russel Wilson? Read the Full Article »

DC Van Ness False-Flag Shooting Leaves 4 Wounded and Suspect Dead

Here we go with another staged shooting, only 6-days since the South Carolina Mall shooting and 19-days since the Sacramento Capital shooting. We know they love their sixes, and we’ll get to that. This alleged shooting happened on April 22, the 112th day of the year. And as you know, The Jesuit Order is active in 112 countries, a perfect day for some Jesuit rituals and tributes. The shooting happened on ‘2900 block of

DC Van Ness False-Flag Shooting Leaves 4 Wounded and Suspect Dead Read the Full Article »

South Carolina Mall Shooting – The ‘Two’ Ritual

Here we go again with the shootings. Police in South Carolina responded to a 911 call that was made around 2:03 p.m. that reported gunfire near the GAP store inside the Columbiana Centre, a mall in Columbia, South Carolina. Multiple 911 calls were made after that, according to Columbia Police Department Chief William H. “Skip” Holbrook. I guess 2:01 p.m. would have been too obvious, as they used that in the Sacramento Capital Shooting

South Carolina Mall Shooting – The ‘Two’ Ritual Read the Full Article »

Brooklyn Shooting: Frank R. James Blamed and he Allegedly Rented an U-Haul Van and Fired 33 Rounds

I decoded this staged False Flag shooting yesterday as it developed. It was extremely coded, a clear sign of being scripted and planned long in advance by the police and other Freemasonic government officials. The patsy, if he even exists, has been named Frank R. James, which of course is also all by the numbers, as they always do it. It would be rather bold to state that all shootings are staged, but we

Brooklyn Shooting: Frank R. James Blamed and he Allegedly Rented an U-Haul Van and Fired 33 Rounds Read the Full Article »

Putin Appoints New ‘Theater Commander’ for the Staged War in Ukraine

The world is a stage and 95% of what you see in the media from the alleged war in Ukraine is fake CGI mixed with archive footage and bad crisis actors playing out ridiculous scenes at propped up corners in a few selected cities. All pure theatre and all of it has been debunked so many times it feels silly even mentioning it at this stage. But how appropriate that Putin appoints a new

Putin Appoints New ‘Theater Commander’ for the Staged War in Ukraine Read the Full Article »

General Milley Changes His Prediction for Russian-Ukraine War from ‘72-Hours’ to ‘Years’ – And I Predict Putin Event for April 8

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, predicted in early February that a Russian invasion of Ukraine could take Kyiv in just “72 hours.” Now, in Congress on April 5, Milley delivered another prediction, this time saying the war in Ukraine could last for years.This might be an important clue to how they will drag out this staged and mostly fake war, and if the next staged pandemic does not have

General Milley Changes His Prediction for Russian-Ukraine War from ‘72-Hours’ to ‘Years’ – And I Predict Putin Event for April 8 Read the Full Article »

Moderna Starts Another Covid-19 Vaccine 666-Trial Ritual in Kids Younger than 12

While the sheep are distracted by the staged theatre in Ukraine and the fake pandemic seems to be on hold, the powers of evil is still marching on in the shadows laying the groundwork for the depopulation agenda – and as always, it’s done in a ritualistic manner by the numbers. On the 16th of March, as in 16/3, like 163, Moderna announced this new vaccine trial for kids aged 6 months to 11

Moderna Starts Another Covid-19 Vaccine 666-Trial Ritual in Kids Younger than 12 Read the Full Article »

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