The Ascension Health Hospitals and the Fake Cyberattack Reported on Ascension Day

Allegedly, a “cyberattack” occurred late Wednesday on the Catholic (Jesuit) Ascension Health network that includes 140 hospitals in 19 states, which disrupted access to electronic health records, some phone systems and “various systems utilized to order certain tests, procedures and medications,” during Thursday, the day of Ascension the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, or simply, ‘Ascension Day.’ So, we had someone in a ritualistic fashion pull the plug for some of the […]

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Weather Warfare: Tornadoes Tear America’s Heartland

While Fox News reported that there were at least 59 reported tornadoes across Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa as of 7 p.m. ET, CNN reported that there were at least 60 reports of tornadoes in at least five states as of 9:30 p.m. ET. The tornadoes reportedly began in the open plains and the south (The Great Plains/The Plains.) As you probably know, weather control is carried out by the Freemasons within the

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World Stage: Horses of the Apocalypse in London

On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, a staged theatrical scene unfolded in central London when supposedly several elite military horses from the Household Cavalry broke loose and galloped through the streets, allegedly causing mayhem and injuring at least four people. One of the horses was reportedly covered in very badly faked blood, which should be more than enough to understand that it has been orchestrated. The incident allegedly occurred during a routine exercise in Belgravia,

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World Stage: Senate Passes $95 Billion Package to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

As you should know by now, the ‘elite’ families rule the world through the Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order, which in turn controls all the other secret societies such as the Freemasons, and there are a few numbers that are extremely important to the Jesuit Order, those of 201, 95, and 56, followed by 144, 84, 72, and 54. As you might remember, the Jesuit Order was founded on August 15, 1534, to

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The ’Go Forth and Set the World on Fire’ Ritual Outside Trump’s Trial — Updated

If you know your history, this little ritualistic stunt should be a no-brainer. Yesterday, Friday, a man allegedly from Florida set himself on fire in a park outside of the NYC Courthouse where the trial of Donald Trump was being held. This ‘fire stunt’ took place on April 19, on the anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola becoming the first Superior General of the Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church

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April Kill Date Announcements: Vincent Friell, Carl Erskine & Whitey Herzog

Yesterday, April 16, was the big ‘kill date’ for the month of April, as its date-numerology made all four of the most important numbers for a sacrifice kill ritual align. 4/16/24 = 4 + 16 + 24 = 444/16/2024 = 4 + 16 + 20 + 24 = 644/16/24 = 4 + 1+6 + 2+4 = 174/16/2024 = (4) + (16) + 2+0+2+4 = 28 Kill = 44, 64, 17, 28 This means that

April Kill Date Announcements: Vincent Friell, Carl Erskine & Whitey Herzog Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Pope Francis “Condemns” Biden’s ‘Gender Theory’

As the April 8th Eclipse was a big nothing burger, as we’ve said from the start, let’s look at another ritual that took place on April 8th, that of Joe Biden’s big legacy, the satanic, inverted, and retarded ‘gender theory.’ As you probably know by now, everything the puppets do on the world stage is scripted by the numbers using gematria, and that is also why President Biden is fighting for the retarded leftish

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World Stage Mocking: Blockbuster Blizzard in California

An extreme winter storm smashed California during Friday, March 1, 2024 and is said to at least continue into Saturday. CNN calls it, mockingly, a “blockbuster blizzard,” using terminology associated with Hollywood and movies, which of course are released on Fridays. The choice of terminology is not only mocking, but also accurate considering that all these extreme weather events are man-made using weather control technology, as first admitted back in 1952 on the birthday

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