The Fallout After The Scripted Debate: Joe Biden By The Numbers

Since the scripted and staged “debate” between Donald Trump and whomever played the role of Joe Biden wearing a bodysuit, and really showcasing a old deranged man with cognitive difficulties, the media has been filled with stories about Biden retiring and a possible replacement for the staged and predetermined 2024 US (s)election. As most of you know, this is all scripted theater with actors following a script. It’s juvenile entertainment for grown-ups that are […]

The Fallout After The Scripted Debate: Joe Biden By The Numbers Read the Full Article »

Taiwan’s 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake on Jesus Crucifixion Anniversary

The story of the earthquake hitting Taiwan developed as I wrote yesterday’s article, so I covered it this morning instead, as it was 100% man-made and scripted by two big numbers, those of 74 and 94. Although some news outlets first reported a magnitude of 7.5 and 7.7, the Jesuit CNN reported 7.4 right from the start, a number that is read as ‘74’ in gematria, the number representing God and Jesus Christ, and

Taiwan’s 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake on Jesus Crucifixion Anniversary Read the Full Article »

The World Stage: 141 Countries Voted to Condemn Russia all by the Numbers – And a Few Words on the China-Russia Connection

On March 2, the U.N. General Assembly condemned the staged and fake Russian invasion of Ukraine that all countries are in on together. Of the 193 member states, 181 participated in the vote. Of those, 141 countries allegedly supported the resolution condemning Moscow, and five were against it – including Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea. Thirty-five countries abstained, but their numbers do not affect the two-thirds majority needed for adoption. Remember, the

The World Stage: 141 Countries Voted to Condemn Russia all by the Numbers – And a Few Words on the China-Russia Connection Read the Full Article »

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