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The Dow Rose 322 Points on August 25 with a High of 33,3k – Freemasonry and Genesis 3:22

Do you still think that the stock market is real? That it is not being manipulated? Well, think again. As I’ve shown numerous times, the hidden hand that rule the world own and controls everything. To them, the stock market is just another ritualistic tool to use to make sure that the numbers line up as they should, that everything is played out in accordance to their script. This is how they believe they […]

The Dow Rose 322 Points on August 25 with a High of 33,3k – Freemasonry and Genesis 3:22 Read the Full Article »

July 22, the Day of Freemasonic Ritual Retirements – Vince McMahon and Volkswagen CEO

Former WWE CEO Vince McMahon is a well-known 33rd degree Freemason within the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and yesterday, on July 22, a day with the ‘22’ Freemasonic Master Builder Number, he stepped down and ‘retired.’ If you take a peek at the WWE logotype, you will see two ‘W’ stacked on each other. Just like the double ‘M,’ the double ‘W’ can symbolically be tipped on its side and read as a double

July 22, the Day of Freemasonic Ritual Retirements – Vince McMahon and Volkswagen CEO Read the Full Article »

Georgia Guidestones Explosion — Skull and Bones Freemasonic Ritual — 2 New Updates (I Was 100% Correct!)

The Georgia Guidestones explosion is trending on social media and it was NOT a random act by some “terrorist,” nor was it a strike against the ‘cabal;’ it was a pre-planned ritual by the Jesuits and the Freemasons as everything is on the world stage – and it’s all in the numbers. They want you to talk about it, they want you to think that it was an act against them. It’s what the

Georgia Guidestones Explosion — Skull and Bones Freemasonic Ritual — 2 New Updates (I Was 100% Correct!) Read the Full Article »

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