CNN Claim Putin is Making the same Mistakes as Hitler

As the staged and mostly fake war continues in the media, CNN made up a very special story for April 2. According to the article, Putin is committing some of the same blunders that doomed Germany’s 1941 invasion of the USSR — while using “Hitler-like tricks and tactics” to justify his brutality. What a perfect comparison with “World War History” for April 2, a date that is written 4/2, like 42, the very popular […]

CNN Claim Putin is Making the same Mistakes as Hitler Read the Full Article »

Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill Becomes the Focus of April Fools Day

Fools indeed! On that day, the phrase ‘Don’t Say Gay,’ becomes the big focus of the media – and again, by no surprise. April 1 = 4/1 = 41 Don’t Say Gay = 41 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would be open to stripping Walt Disney Co. of its special self-governing status over its public opposition to the recently enacted “Don’t Say Gay” law. Self Governing = 153, 72April Fools Day = 153,

Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill Becomes the Focus of April Fools Day Read the Full Article »

4.1 Million Refugees and Evacuees in the Headlines on April Fools

On April 1st, 2022, CNN and other “news” outlets published several stories about refugees from Ukraine. All of them fabricated and by the numbers, as they always do. However, that theme of focusing on refugees on April 1st comes as no surprise. April 1 = 4/1 = 41 Refugees = 41 And as you can see, neither does the imaginary numbers of 4.1 million, as in 41, come as a surprise.They just can’t stop

4.1 Million Refugees and Evacuees in the Headlines on April Fools Read the Full Article »

What Exactly is Agenda 2030, The Great Reset, The New World Order?

A lot of people seem to have difficulties with grasping the entire concept of what is written in plain sight in Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 – what is also referred to as The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset, and The New World Order. When mentioning buzz words such as ‘Digital ID,’ ‘One World Currency,’ ‘Social Credit Score,’ and ‘Universal Basic Income,’ most sheep seem oblivious to what impact it will actually have

What Exactly is Agenda 2030, The Great Reset, The New World Order? Read the Full Article »

Build Back Better, The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Simply: The New World Order — Not a Conspiracy

The World Government Summit (WGS2022) in Dubai opened on March 29, and Klaus Schwab, the Jesuit Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF,) spoke to “global” leaders on the opening day, urging them for a Great Reset, for a New World Order. One of the main topics for this year’s WGS2022 was, “Are We Ready for a New World Order?” – as CNN’s Becky Anderson, the event’s moderator, kicking off the

Build Back Better, The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Simply: The New World Order — Not a Conspiracy Read the Full Article »

Biden Received 2nd Booster on Jesuit Klaus Schwab’s 84th Birthday – A Big 666-Ritual

As you should know by now, they are ALL actors on the world stage, strung along by their puppet masters at the Vatican. Everything they do is planned and scripted by the numbers. If you recall, Biden got his first booster shot on September 27, 2021, the anniversary day of the Jesuits getting recognized by Rome – the day leaving 95-days in the year, same as the 95 theses by Luther that the Jesuit

Biden Received 2nd Booster on Jesuit Klaus Schwab’s 84th Birthday – A Big 666-Ritual Read the Full Article »

Simple Awareness Test

Take a few seconds and look at this advertisement from Swedish H&M. No need to see the whole 1:21, only 10 to 30 seconds or so will suffice. If you believe you just saw a normal advertisement with some women speaking about fashion and “spirituality,” well, then you’re a brainwashed, desensitized and severely dumbed down little sheep. No nicer way to put it. Sorry! However, if you saw extreme ‘one eye symbolism,’ vile creatures

Simple Awareness Test Read the Full Article »

Time to Thin the Herd – Second Booster Authorized for Adults Over 50

While people are occupied with actors giving each other staged slaps, FDA authorized a second booster shot from Pfizer and Moderna for adults age 50 and older – a booster shot for something that does not even exists. It’s all about maiming and killing the useless eaters as the ‘elite’ and the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum puts it. FDA approved Moderna’s first booster shot on January 31, 2022. This authorization

Time to Thin the Herd – Second Booster Authorized for Adults Over 50 Read the Full Article »

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