Terrain Theory / Nature and Biology

Posts about the Terrain Theory, Biology, Microbiology and how nature and our bodies actually function – that the germ theory with contagions are a profitable lie pushed by Rockefeller.

Enjoy the Science: Germs/Bacteria, Essential to Life

It’s time to unlearn all the pseudoscience and lies you’ve been spoon-fed since pre-school. I studied western medicine for about 17 years and it only gave me more questions than answers and almost killed me. Then I found the Terrain Theory and finally everything made sense and I recovered my health in just a few months – and I’ve helped many clients regain theirs and to get rid of modern diseases. One very important […]

Enjoy the Science: Germs/Bacteria, Essential to Life Read the Full Article »

Stress. What is it? How does it affect us?

Many years ago, Holistic Health Practitioner, Elite Athlete Coach and corrective exercise specialist Paul Chek identified six types of stressors that harm our body. While I do agree with the types, my definitions, after years of research, goes a bit deeper as I studied the Terrain Theory and the work of Antoine Béchamp, Claude Bernard, Rudolph Virchow, Ethel Douglas Hume, Roy Rife, Gaston Naessens, Gunter Enderlein, Stefan Lanka, Dr Carolyn Dean, and Robert &

Stress. What is it? How does it affect us? Read the Full Article »

Bechamp or Pasteur? : A lost chapter in the history of biology

This summary of real science and biology was written in the early 1900’s and published 1932, before heavy censorship and the Rockefeller controlled ‘Modern Medicine’ took over everything with their lies and fraudulent theories.This book teaches you real history within the field of biology and disease. It is available through archive.org and is displayed below. I recommend that you go to archive.org and make an user account, and then you can bookmark thousands of

Bechamp or Pasteur? : A lost chapter in the history of biology Read the Full Article »

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