
Record-Breaking Rainfall and Heavy Flooding in India – All by The Numbers

Once again, we have flooding on a day with 52-numerology. Remember, 25 and 52 are always used with ‘weather disasters.’ October 19, 2021 = 10/19/2021 = 1+0+1+9+(20)+(21) = 52Flood = 52Earth = 52Enlil = 52Singh Dhami = 52 (the state’s chief minister quoted in the article) Article claims, “at least 73 people killed.” According to what sources? Oh yes, according to their Numerology.The number of days remaining in the year on October 19 is […]

Record-Breaking Rainfall and Heavy Flooding in India – All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

Vulcano activity and SO2 in the air – prepare for fake covid cases

A lot of (man-made) volcano activity as of late. Be prepared for a lot of SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide) in the air, which will give symptoms identical to detoxing (the flu or the imaginary Covid.) SO2 irritates the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs – resulting in effects such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing and also runny nose and blurred vision. Also be prepared for strange weather phenomenon

Vulcano activity and SO2 in the air – prepare for fake covid cases Read the Full Article »

Earthquake in Melbourne, Australia as a Distraction and by the Numbers

A lot is going on in Australia, like totalitarian fascism through lockdowns and vaccination, the CFMEU union, the daily protests, and more. So, their Jesuit puppet government have most likely been planning some distractions to set in motion on fitting dates for their rituals. This morning the “news” reported an earthquake on Wednesday, September 22, of 5.9 to 6.0 magnitude in Melbourne, Australia. A date with the 52-numerology that is always used for weather-

Earthquake in Melbourne, Australia as a Distraction and by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Man-Made Earthquake in Mexico, Near Acapulco

Since I have friends in Mexico, and especially in Acapulco, I will do a short breakdown of this event by request. The interesting thing is that the magnitude of this earthquake has changed since the first report. The first reports said it was a 7.4-magnitude earthquake. This is important, because this is their revelation of the method. And 74 is the God number. Directed Energy: 74 (Full Reduction)Energy: 74 (English Ordinal)Weapon: 74 (English Ordinal)

Man-Made Earthquake in Mexico, Near Acapulco Read the Full Article »

Ramping up the Climate Crisis – Greece Still Burning

Prepare for more Climate Change Crisis Propaganda. All fabricated, all part of the plan. This will be a rather short decode, but the message is what is important as well as understanding what is happening and why. From the story:“Evia, Greece (CNN): Greece is facing a “natural disaster of unprecedented proportions,” as 586 wildfires burn in “all corners” of the country, according to Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.” Ever wondered if they actually count

Ramping up the Climate Crisis – Greece Still Burning Read the Full Article »

US Government Still Withholding 9/11 Records

Caught this little gem of a story on CNN. Allegedly, more than 1,600 people in 9/11 families have told Jesuit actor Joe Biden to stay away from memorial service unless he releases records related to the fake attack (the CIA demolition of the towers). Isn’t it interesting that the US government is withholding 9/11 records/evidence nearly 20 years after the event? Yet, you’re a “conspiracy theorist” for pointing out the obvious holes in the

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Wildfires across Southern Europe, by the numbers

The fires started on Sunday, July 25 – a date with obvious 25 numerology. Same day as London was flooding. Quite obvious that their governments are behind all this, following the script. Always “weather” catastrophes on dates with 52- and 25-numerology. Always! Fire: 25Earth: 25Enlil: 25Flood: 25Death: 25Climate Change: 250 = 25 July 25, 2021 = (7) + (25) + (20) + (21) = 73Global Warming: 73Europe: 73Southern Europe: 73 (Jew Red) July 25,

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Hailstorms in Northern Italy, by the numbers

Violent hailstorms in Northern Italy and especially Milan and Parma on Monday, July 26. More weather modification warfare to further the climate change hoax, as easily decoded by using their language of choice, gematria.   July 26, 2021 = 7 + 2+6 + (20) + (21) = 56Hailstorm: 56Hail Chunks: 56Climate Change: 56Natural Disaster: 56Masonic Ritual: 56Society of Jesus: 56 July 26, 2021 = 7 × 2 × 6 × 2 × 1 =

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