World Health Organization

Roadmap to Vaccination and Vaccine IDs Pre-Planned by the European Commission in early 2019

Did you know that the European Commission (EC) had a “Roadmap on Vaccination” and the “implementation of Vaccine Cards and Passports” ready months before the staged and fake COVID-19 pandemic broke out? The document is attached below in case EC removes it (or edit it) from their server. Pretty much the same pre-planning we’ve seen in so many areas, as the Covid-19 test-kits that was sold in 2018 and “System and Method for Testing […]

Roadmap to Vaccination and Vaccine IDs Pre-Planned by the European Commission in early 2019 Read the Full Article »

Mandatory Vaccination, WHO and the 666 Code. More on the history of the fake pandemic – Clade X and Event 201

It should be quite obvious that vaccines are solely for injuring, maiming, sterilizing/infertility and killing people. No virus has ever been isolated, proven to exist or the be a contagion. That is all pseudo-science. A contagion, or “infectious diseases”, are an impossibility in biology. Life would never have multiplied as it has if living beings could infect each other. Still, this fraudulent germ- and virus- theory reigns after being debunked thousands of times throughout

Mandatory Vaccination, WHO and the 666 Code. More on the history of the fake pandemic – Clade X and Event 201 Read the Full Article »

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