
Study on Active Young Women: Vegan Bodily Destruction

Today we return once again to Examine.com and a poor summary of a recent study looking at the devastating body composition changes in young active women from adopting the destructive and deadly anti-human diet, a.k.a. the retarded “vegan diet,” for only 8 short weeks. Key study details First and foremost, you cannot adopt non-species appropriate diets in a healthy way, as any kind of plant-based edible is both toxic and useless as human nutrition. […]

Study on Active Young Women: Vegan Bodily Destruction Read the Full Article »

Red Meat Is The Ultimate Fat Fighting Food

Today we return to the supplement shills at T-Nation and their clueless COO Chris Shugart, the guy who is obsessed with chemically man-made protein, as in the chemical shitstorms of their own poor quality protein powders.  This time he found another old “protein centric” study to misinterpret and use to sell their laughable products. Let’s see what he has this time and how to really use the information, if applicable. “Talk to the average

Red Meat Is The Ultimate Fat Fighting Food Read the Full Article »

Changes To The Brain During Pregnancy Is Due To Nutrient Deficiencies

Today we return to the shills at Medical News Today and their latest look at some “research” into pregnancy and the changes that can occur to the brain. As this is very relevant to proper human nutrition, and I have touched on the subject in the past in my article “Starting or Expanding Your Family – How nutrition and toxins influence your child” from 2017, let’s see what MNT has to say this time.

Changes To The Brain During Pregnancy Is Due To Nutrient Deficiencies Read the Full Article »

Intermittent Fasting: The Importance of Actually Eating and The Difference Between Men and Women

Muscle & Fitness recently posted an article on Intermittent Fasting and differences between men and women. And since a sane human being actually acknowledge that there are only two genders and that there are differences between the sexes, this is an interesting topic. Also, as with all these ‘Intermittent Fasting’ articles, they never mention the real important part, that of actually eating. Their article begins with quoting a 2020 survey where, allegedly, 24 percent

Intermittent Fasting: The Importance of Actually Eating and The Difference Between Men and Women Read the Full Article »

Staged Shooting at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church on the Day of Super Bowl 58

Here we go with yet another fake and scripted shooting staged on the day of Super Bowl 58.Allegedly, a woman in her 30’s, dressed in a ‘trench coat’ and armed with a ‘long rifle’ – and accompanied by a young child – entered pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church on Sunday afternoon and began firing. Of course, the woman was shot dead by two “off-duty” officers and the child and a 57-year-old crisis actor were

Staged Shooting at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church on the Day of Super Bowl 58 Read the Full Article »

Skinny Fat and the ABC of Body Composition for Women

Today we once again return to T-Nation and their ‘Chief Content Officer’ Chris Shugart and another breakdown of a study from 2020 on women and body composition. The study was focused on what they call “Normal-Weight Obesity,” or simply ‘NWO,’ as in a funny pun on ‘New World Order,’ as we see these ‘skinny fat’ people everywhere nowadays. Actually, Shugart explains it well in his funny introduction; “Talk to the average out-of-date dietician and

Skinny Fat and the ABC of Body Composition for Women Read the Full Article »

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