
Weather Warfare: Tornadoes Tear America’s Heartland

While Fox News reported that there were at least 59 reported tornadoes across Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa as of 7 p.m. ET, CNN reported that there were at least 60 reports of tornadoes in at least five states as of 9:30 p.m. ET. The tornadoes reportedly began in the open plains and the south (The Great Plains/The Plains.) As you probably know, weather control is carried out by the Freemasons within the […]

Weather Warfare: Tornadoes Tear America’s Heartland Read the Full Article »

Taiwan’s 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake on Jesus Crucifixion Anniversary

The story of the earthquake hitting Taiwan developed as I wrote yesterday’s article, so I covered it this morning instead, as it was 100% man-made and scripted by two big numbers, those of 74 and 94. Although some news outlets first reported a magnitude of 7.5 and 7.7, the Jesuit CNN reported 7.4 right from the start, a number that is read as ‘74’ in gematria, the number representing God and Jesus Christ, and

Taiwan’s 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake on Jesus Crucifixion Anniversary Read the Full Article »

US Retaliates the 3 Soldiers on the 33rd Day of the Year

Remember the staged and fake airstrike that allegedly killed three US soldiers symbolically at Tower 22 on January 28? It was one huge Freemasonic ritual connected to Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry.Well, yesterday, on February 2nd, the 33rd day of the year, US said it struck 85 targets linked to Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria in response of the staged drone strike that never happened. The world is sure a stage, and

US Retaliates the 3 Soldiers on the 33rd Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

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