U.S. Inflation

The Fed Makes Historic Fourth Straight 3/4-Point Rate Hike by the Numbers

The Federal Reserve approved a fourth-straight rate hike of three-quarters of a percentage point on Wednesday as part of its battle to bring down the inflation that is plaguing the US economy. As previously decoded and proven beyond any doubt, the economy is only a numbers game easily scripted to fit their rituals. For them, money holds no real value, as they can modify it in any way they want. It’s only numbers. Once […]

The Fed Makes Historic Fourth Straight 3/4-Point Rate Hike by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

U.S. Inflation Rose 7.9% in February, a Record-High in 40-Years, All by the Numbers

At this point, most people should know that the market is controlled and that the staged and mostly fake war in Ukraine is simply a cover for the worldwide economic collapse, an ‘economy’ that has been of life-support since 2012.And all the numbers they put out are fabricated simply to fit their rituals, riddles, and work towards Agenda 2030, the New World Order.If you understand how they operate and if you have a little

U.S. Inflation Rose 7.9% in February, a Record-High in 40-Years, All by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

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