
More on Cholesterol: Natural Animal-Based Foods Can Never Be Unhealthy

Healthline, the owners of ‘Medical News Today,’ are back with a new article, this time about foods that are rich in essential and life-sustaining cholesterol.While they have to admit that cholesterol is essential and good for you, let’s see if and how they twist this article to fit the malnutrition, disease and anti-healing agenda of the food- and pharmaceutical industry. “Certain high cholesterol foods, including eggs and full-fat yogurt, can benefit your overall health. […]

More on Cholesterol: Natural Animal-Based Foods Can Never Be Unhealthy Read the Full Article »

The Real Reason Behind Alzheimer’s — A Starving Brain

In the recent two years or so, I’ve covered fish oil, or the omega-3 fatty acids, several times as the popularity of the retarded practice of supplementation is still on the rise and being pushed by shills. Something that is totally unnecessary as it is extremely easy to get all the omega-3 you need by simply consuming some meat and/or eggs daily. While supplement companies like Biotest who run the fitness website T-Nation do

The Real Reason Behind Alzheimer’s — A Starving Brain Read the Full Article »

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