
Fat Regain Is Due To Nutrient Deficiencies

Today we return to T-Nation as Chris Shugart takes a look at yet another extremely retarded theory in an effort to sell some supplements to their gullible readers. As you might know, I worked for more than 30+ years the fitness/coaching-, diet-, supplement-, and medical industry at an elite level, coaching more than 1100 athletes — especially within Bodybuilding and Fitness, as in getting athletes ridiculously shredded for competitions and keeping a decent appearance […]

Fat Regain Is Due To Nutrient Deficiencies Read the Full Article »

Overeating and Protein. Calories Does Not Matter

The protein guy and salesman Chris Shugart over at the supplement and fitness website T-Nation recently dug out an old study from 2012 on overeating (although the data collection took place during 2005 to 2007,) and the effects of a high intake of protein. As I worked for almost 30 years in this industry, let’s take a look at it and what Chris did draw from it. “You’ll definitely gain weight if you eat

Overeating and Protein. Calories Does Not Matter Read the Full Article »

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