Intermittent Fasting: The Importance of Actually Eating and The Difference Between Men and Women

Muscle & Fitness recently posted an article on Intermittent Fasting and differences between men and women. And since a sane human being actually acknowledge that there are only two genders and that there are differences between the sexes, this is an interesting topic. Also, as with all these ‘Intermittent Fasting’ articles, they never mention the real important part, that of actually eating. Their article begins with quoting a 2020 survey where, allegedly, 24 percent […]

Intermittent Fasting: The Importance of Actually Eating and The Difference Between Men and Women Read the Full Article »

Fewer and Larger Meals is Our Natural Preference

Yesterday, the Bodybuilding and Fitness website T-Nation posted an article about a study from late 2023 on the effects of a single 100 grams of protein serving after a workout. Back in the day, people used to have some weird belief that you could only absorb about 30 grams of protein per meal, which of course is extremely ridiculous (and we’ll get to that.) Actually, a lot of people who are oblivious to the

Fewer and Larger Meals is Our Natural Preference Read the Full Article »

The 10-Day Diet Plan – Just Throw it in the Bin

It’s time to return to T-Nation and their diet-obsessed ‘Chief Content Officer’ Chris Shugart. After making a mess of several studies on protein, he how turned his eyes to a ridiculous “10-day diet” for ‘weight-lifting women.’ The article opens with a summary of the study and why it might not be a great idea, which he for once is correct about. “Want to lose 3 pounds of fat in only ten days? There’s a

The 10-Day Diet Plan – Just Throw it in the Bin Read the Full Article »

The Charlatan Paul Saladino Want You to be Unhealthy and Ridden with Disease

Since I get questions about this crackpot Saladino all the time, I might as well do another article on him and the complete nonsense about “needing” carbohydrates. A few weeks ago, he made a video called “Why you need carbs in your diet,” so let us go through some of his opinions in that video and once again explain why this is a very bad and unhealthy idea. Funny enough, he starts his video

The Charlatan Paul Saladino Want You to be Unhealthy and Ridden with Disease Read the Full Article »

Man From Antioquia, May Hold Clue to Alzheimer’s Prevention, Media Suggests on May 16 – And a Bit of Real Science

The story goes like this. A man who seemed fated to develop memory loss in his 40s or 50s, based on family history, kept normal function for decades longer than he should have. He seems to have been protected by a rare gene change that enhanced the function of a protein that helps nerve cells communicate. The man is part of a large family in Antioquia, Colombia, with many members who have inherited a

Man From Antioquia, May Hold Clue to Alzheimer’s Prevention, Media Suggests on May 16 – And a Bit of Real Science Read the Full Article »

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 45

If you’re new to me and my website, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 45 Read the Full Article »

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