muscle tissue

Cold Plunges And Cold Therapy Is Extremely Damaging!

The misinformation specialist and imbecile Matt Weik of Ironmagazine continues to pull idiotic crap out of his ass, and this time it can really f**k you up, especially if you’re a competing athlete — or simply a gullible idiot who thinks that stressing the complete sh*t out of your body is a good thing. Let’s see what this imbecile managed to put together this time and I will use my 30+ years of coaching, […]

Cold Plunges And Cold Therapy Is Extremely Damaging! Read the Full Article »

There’s No Limit To Protein Absorption And Utilization

One of the worst foodie websites on the internet, “Eat This, Not That,” recently posted an article on protein and how much you should consume in one meal. The really hilarious part is that they, following the post-2020 absurd trend, have added a “fact checked” claim on the article. Well, let’s see about that. And this will be a quick one, as I’m pressed on time today. “Protein is one of the four macronutrients

There’s No Limit To Protein Absorption And Utilization Read the Full Article »

Protein Synthesis: How to Sell More Useless Supplements

Today we return to a short article at T-Nation based on a study from 2017 on whole eggs vs. egg whites as a post-workout meal and its effect on ‘muscle protein synthesis.’ Once upon a time, I have to admit that I was very much into the whole para-workout nutrition thing, as I experimented a lot among both my clients who were willing to try new ideas, and other lifters that I recruited through

Protein Synthesis: How to Sell More Useless Supplements Read the Full Article »

Fewer and Larger Meals is Our Natural Preference

Yesterday, the Bodybuilding and Fitness website T-Nation posted an article about a study from late 2023 on the effects of a single 100 grams of protein serving after a workout. Back in the day, people used to have some weird belief that you could only absorb about 30 grams of protein per meal, which of course is extremely ridiculous (and we’ll get to that.) Actually, a lot of people who are oblivious to the

Fewer and Larger Meals is Our Natural Preference Read the Full Article »

Dieter’s Phobia: Catabolism Explained

As you might know, I worked in the Gym-, Fitness-, Health-, Sports-, Supplement-, and Pharmaceutical Industry as both a Coach/Trainer, Scientist, Educator, Writer/Author, and Editor in Chief for more than 28 years combined. I began coaching in the early 90’s, and I still do. However, I left the industries all together in 2017 when I faced death from tumors and failing organs, and then learned that everything I thought I knew about nutrition, supplements,

Dieter’s Phobia: Catabolism Explained Read the Full Article »

The Charlatan Paul Saladino Want You to be Unhealthy and Ridden with Disease

Since I get questions about this crackpot Saladino all the time, I might as well do another article on him and the complete nonsense about “needing” carbohydrates. A few weeks ago, he made a video called “Why you need carbs in your diet,” so let us go through some of his opinions in that video and once again explain why this is a very bad and unhealthy idea. Funny enough, he starts his video

The Charlatan Paul Saladino Want You to be Unhealthy and Ridden with Disease Read the Full Article »

The Fasted Cardio Debate

As You probably know, I’ve worked most of my life, or at least 28+ years professionally within the Health-, Fitness-, Gym-, Body Composition-, Sports-, Media- and Professional Athlete Industry, and one of the few websites I still randomly visit is T-Nation, and mostly because my old colleague from the 90’s, Christian Thibadeau, still writes for them on a regular basis. A few days ago, their ‘Chief Content Officer,’ Chris Shugart, published the article “The

The Fasted Cardio Debate Read the Full Article »

No! You Should Not ‘Eat’ Carbs Ever!

This will be a short and simple review of an article published at ‘,’ a website that claim to be “an award-winning resource for reliable and up-to-date information on all nutrition and exercise topics.” Yeah, sure. The article in question is called “Should I Eat Carbs After My Workout?” and is written by Sarah Garone, a freelance “health and wellness” writer who runs a food blog. Wow, such credentials. Well, I’ve worked roughly 30

No! You Should Not ‘Eat’ Carbs Ever! Read the Full Article »

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