muscle cells

The Most Certainly Retarded Diet — And How To Actually Get Shredded

When visiting T-Nation, a former bodybuilding web magazine that emerged in the late 1990’s and unsuccessfully tried to compete with my IronMag Online during 1999 to 2002 and that of lately have turned into a supplement advertisement website averages about 2,000 views per article, almost what some of my less popular articles average here on However, one of their recent articles has got close to 22,000 views, and of course, it’s about “dieting” […]

The Most Certainly Retarded Diet — And How To Actually Get Shredded Read the Full Article »

Backwards Thinking: Exercise And Reduced Risk Of Dementia

Today we return to Verywell Health, aka., VeryBad Health if you actually were to follow their diabolical advice on nutrition, or more to the point, “Verywell Dead,” as you’ll likely feel like a walking dead and actually die a lot sooner. This time they covered a backwards, and frankly put, useless study, exploring the relationship between exercise and insulin in the brain and the risk of developing dementia. Let’s see what they came up

Backwards Thinking: Exercise And Reduced Risk Of Dementia Read the Full Article »

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