meal plan

Study Proves The Importance Of Toxic Load And Hormones In Body Fat Distribution

Today we return to the awful pharmaceutical shill-site Medscape Medical News and a recent review of a study on time-restricted eating and reductions in body weight, especially in VAT.Let’s get right into it. Methodology “Although previous studies suggest that TRE may lead to modest weight loss and improvements in cardiometabolic health, the optimal timing of the eating window in TRE and its impact on VAT remains unclear.” Perhaps among full-blown retards like these monkeys […]

Study Proves The Importance Of Toxic Load And Hormones In Body Fat Distribution Read the Full Article »

Nutritional Coaches, Nutritionists, and Dietitians

I’ve always been a forerunner within the fitness industry. Even before my real awakening in 2018, I never considered becoming a registered nutritionist or dietitian, even though I had the educational background and years of experience. I could easily have provided the answers they were looking for, but that would have meant that I had compromised what I knew was right. Even back then, in the late 90’s, I knew that carbohydrates were bad

Nutritional Coaches, Nutritionists, and Dietitians Read the Full Article »

The 10-Day Diet Plan – Just Throw it in the Bin

It’s time to return to T-Nation and their diet-obsessed ‘Chief Content Officer’ Chris Shugart. After making a mess of several studies on protein, he how turned his eyes to a ridiculous “10-day diet” for ‘weight-lifting women.’ The article opens with a summary of the study and why it might not be a great idea, which he for once is correct about. “Want to lose 3 pounds of fat in only ten days? There’s a

The 10-Day Diet Plan – Just Throw it in the Bin Read the Full Article »

Meat and animal foods. It’s not only about protein, ya know…

I’ve spent most of my career within the ‘fitness industry’ and the ‘medical field’ as a nutritionist, writer, author, coach, personal trainer, and speaker. Although most of the people I’ve coached have been competing bodybuilders and fitness athletes, I’ve also worked with top athletes from most sports, as well as people just interested in improving their body composition or health. I’ve been around countless other coaches and ‘personal trainers’, and as you can imagine,

Meat and animal foods. It’s not only about protein, ya know… Read the Full Article »

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