Mark of the Beast

As Predicted – Microchip Implants are Coming – Mark of the Beast, and a Note About Quantum Dots

It’s getting old, what once was a “conspiracy theory”, once again prove to come true. A Swedish company just showcased a microchip that can download Covid-19 passport status. Yes, the Mark of the Beast is here.And of course, this company call themselves “Dsruptive” as in ‘disruptive’ or ‘disturbing’ or ‘out-of-order’, very fitting indeed for such a satanic agenda.If I have any Swedish friends who know this company and the people behind it, make sure […]

As Predicted – Microchip Implants are Coming – Mark of the Beast, and a Note About Quantum Dots Read the Full Article »

FDA vote to recommend pills to treat non-existent Covid-19 on November 30 ritual as predicted

In my article about the Omicron ‘666’-ritual I predicted another Covid-19 and vaccine ritual for November 30, as in 11/30 = 113, as Omicron is ‘113’ in the Francis Bacon cipher. And the pandemic was declared on March 11, as in 11/3 = 113 when using a date format most used in the world. March 11 can also be written as 3/11 = 311, the reflection of 113, and 311 is the Jewish gematria

FDA vote to recommend pills to treat non-existent Covid-19 on November 30 ritual as predicted Read the Full Article »

Satan’s Little Knight Gene Simmons Hates Unvaccinated in a Jesuit ‘56’ Ritual

If you didn’t know, the awful rock band KISS is an acronym for ‘Knights in Satan’s Service.” Yet, disinformation shills such as the laughable CIA-controlled Snopes will try and convince you otherwise. However, I grew up with this shit before turning to electronic body music in my teenage years – and Kiss was as Satanic as they come. Their album covers, the symbolism, their make-ups, everything. Also, Kiss was often stylized as KIϟϟ, with lightning

Satan’s Little Knight Gene Simmons Hates Unvaccinated in a Jesuit ‘56’ Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Fake Pandemic in one Important Number – The Jesuits’ number ‘201’

You probably know of the importance of number ‘56’ since 2020 and the whole fake pandemic. However, there is another number that is very important to the Jesuit Order, and that is ‘201.’ The first Superior General of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order) was Ignatius of Loyola (April 19th, 1541.) And in 1773 Pope Clement XIV allegedly suppressed the Jesuit Order on the completion of the 201st day of the year, July

The Fake Pandemic in one Important Number – The Jesuits’ number ‘201’ Read the Full Article »

Pathetic Actor Joe Biden Threatening the Sane and Unvaccinated with new January 4 Mandate

The Jesuit puppet actor, Joe Biden, playing the role of the sniffing and demented President of the Unites States, uttered the threat, “our patience is wearing thin”, during his ‘speech’ on the new January 4 mandate affecting 84-million corporate employees. As usual, this is all scripted and presented using Gematria and Numerology, their ancient practice. This ‘blah-blah-blah’ came on November 4, a date with the infamous pandemic numerology of ’56.’November 4, 2021 = 11/4/2021

Pathetic Actor Joe Biden Threatening the Sane and Unvaccinated with new January 4 Mandate Read the Full Article »

More 666 From Your Government…

It could be “six minutes, six days, or six weeks – we’re going to get it done.” The actor playing Joe Biden as the ‘President’ is at it again. This was from the “infrastructure bill” meeting on October 1, 2021. 666… You could not be more obvious than that Joe? Jeez. And, as for Gematria and why he did it…

More 666 From Your Government… Read the Full Article »

Satan’s Little Helper, Chris Rock, Lies About Having Covid – and All by The Numbers

The false idols, a.k.a., ‘celebrities’, are under contract and are being used frequently in this staged and faked pandemic. I’ve exposed several of them, and this time it’s the pathetic little “comedian” Chris Rock.Chris says he has Covid and urges everyone to get the maiming, deadly and purely idiotic covid vaccine. A shot that can put you in the ground against something that does not even exist. Yes, all these criminals will get what

Satan’s Little Helper, Chris Rock, Lies About Having Covid – and All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

5.6 billion vaccine doses administrated worldwide. More ‘56’-corona numerology

On September 9, the day formatted as 9/9, or 66 turned upside-down (as in the hanging man), Statista claims that 5.6 billion vaccine doses has been administered worldwide for something that does not exist. This goes hand in hand with my article on the fabricated numbers here in Sweden. Everything is a big fat lie, including their statistics. For them it’s just a way to influence the weak-minded, and more importantly, do their rituals.Remember,

5.6 billion vaccine doses administrated worldwide. More ‘56’-corona numerology Read the Full Article »

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