genetically modified

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan

After this Saturday’s article on the toxicity of nuts (seeds) my social media was flooded by comments and questions. While the majority of comments were positive, as my friends and followers are awake and of higher intelligence than the average sleeping sheeple, some comments were from people who never really commented before — most likely people who never looked at biology, physiology or biochemistry and simply believe in mainstream backwards “nutrition science” and “medical […]

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan Read the Full Article »

Corn Is A Sugary And Toxic Veggie Turd 

As T-Nation once again ran an advertisement article about the extremely toxic and dangerous Vitamin D supplements, which I’ve covered several times, the soyboy, fruitboy, and now cornboy, Matt Weik over at Ironmagazine published an article pushing the sugary toxic yellow turd, you know, the utter crap called corn. As this website is all about exposing lies, deceit and the inverted reality, let’s see what our clueless cornboy Matt has to say, and I’ll

Corn Is A Sugary And Toxic Veggie Turd  Read the Full Article »

Fruit Is Not Carnivore, Fruit Is Not Even Food — Updated

It’s extremely simple. There is only one species-specific, species-appropriate diet for each category of animal. There is only one way of eating, one natural diet that will maximize health and vitality and let you live a life close to your life expectancy. Going against your physiology and consuming “foods” that are not species-appropriate will severely damage your body and shorten your life-span. Within biology, we can see this with dogs where those who are

Fruit Is Not Carnivore, Fruit Is Not Even Food — Updated Read the Full Article »

Ancestral Health Principles Twisted Beyond Recognition

Again we return to the supplement-driven online bodybuilding-magazine ‘Iron Magazine’ and their writer Matt Weik, who in previous articles has shown that he has absolutely no experience or knowledge of human nutrition, or, in truth, anything he writes about. This time he tackles ‘ancestral health,’ the “study” of rediscovering and applying the dietary and lifestyle habits of our ancestors. While that might sound like a good pursuit, the problem is that most of the

Ancestral Health Principles Twisted Beyond Recognition Read the Full Article »

Richard Slayman Died a Jesuit 56-days After His Alleged Pig Kidney Transplant

On March 16, 2024, Richard Slayman was allegedly the first living person to receive a “genetically modified” pig kidney, something CNN called a medical milestone, while most educated people simply would call it ‘bollocks.’Now, this will be short and sweet, as I have less than one hour this morning for reading, researching, writing, editing, and publishing. On May 12, the media reported that Richard Slayman had died on May 11, exactly a Jesuit and

Richard Slayman Died a Jesuit 56-days After His Alleged Pig Kidney Transplant Read the Full Article »

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