Elon Reeve Musk

Puppet Elon Musk Sells 5.6% of Tesla Shares – All by the Numbers!

Although the Twitter acquisition was part distraction, one of the big reasons for this is to flare up the debate of ‘free speech’ and ‘disinformation’ in the media. A way to split people further into different camps and scare the programmable sleeping sheep into believing that information must be governed and controlled. The ruling Elite already know by the algorithms within their social media platforms that more and more people are waking up to […]

Puppet Elon Musk Sells 5.6% of Tesla Shares – All by the Numbers! Read the Full Article »

Jesuit Puppet Elon Musk Buys Twitter at $54 per Share, Says He’ll Focus on ‘Free Speech’

This little distraction started about two weeks ago, and I wrote about the initial offer of $54 per share here: So, let’s do a quick recap. Elon buys Twitter at $54 (fifty-four) per share for a total of $44 billion (forty-four) on April 25, and he wants to focus on ‘free speech’ because of previous ‘censorship.’ Fifty-Four = 54Forty-Four = 54Free-Speech = 54Censorship = 54Freemasonic = 54Jesuit Order = 54 Jesuit Order = 54The

Jesuit Puppet Elon Musk Buys Twitter at $54 per Share, Says He’ll Focus on ‘Free Speech’ Read the Full Article »

Tesla’s Record Profit Blows Away Estimates in Jesuit Ritual

While their CEO Elon Musk has been playing puppet games all by the numbers involving Twitter to entertain the sleeping masses, the Tesla company recently released their quarterly income of $3.7 billion, a lot higher than the $2.6 billion forecast. And this from selling electric cars that top-out every EMF-meter that has ever been inside one of these microwaves on wheels. Get cooked from the inside while driving. That is how stupid and gullible

Tesla’s Record Profit Blows Away Estimates in Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

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