carrier protein

There’s No Limit To Protein Absorption And Utilization

One of the worst foodie websites on the internet, “Eat This, Not That,” recently posted an article on protein and how much you should consume in one meal. The really hilarious part is that they, following the post-2020 absurd trend, have added a “fact checked” claim on the article. Well, let’s see about that. And this will be a quick one, as I’m pressed on time today. “Protein is one of the four macronutrients […]

There’s No Limit To Protein Absorption And Utilization Read the Full Article »

Low Testosterone and Blood Sugar Blues

Today we return to T-Nation and their latest article covering SHBG and its relationship with total testosterone and the very important “free testosterone.” As they are a supplement company pretending to be a ”hardcore” fitness and bodybuilding magazine, we can expect a lot of bullshit as they try to protect their bro-science lifestyle and sell totally worthless and very toxic supplements that I wouldn’t even touch if they paid me handsomely for trying them.So,

Low Testosterone and Blood Sugar Blues Read the Full Article »

The Real Reason Behind Alzheimer’s — A Starving Brain

In the recent two years or so, I’ve covered fish oil, or the omega-3 fatty acids, several times as the popularity of the retarded practice of supplementation is still on the rise and being pushed by shills. Something that is totally unnecessary as it is extremely easy to get all the omega-3 you need by simply consuming some meat and/or eggs daily. While supplement companies like Biotest who run the fitness website T-Nation do

The Real Reason Behind Alzheimer’s — A Starving Brain Read the Full Article »

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