
World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 40

The previous part is here: parts of this series can be found here: In 506 AD, Emperor Anastasius I accepted a peace agreement with the Sasanian Empire (Persia,) allegedly based on status quo. In Europe, King Alaric II issued the “Lex Romana Visigothorum,” also known as “Breviary of Alaric;” an abstract of Roman laws and imperial decrees, compiled by a commission appointed to provide a law code for Alaric’s Roman subjects. The […]

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 40 Read the Full Article »

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Dead at 95 in Jesuit Ritual to Highlight Obama

Pope Emeritus Benedict was 95-years-old and from Germany. The Jesuit Order was created to counter the 95 theses that came from Martin Luther out of Germany. And he’s allegedly dead on the 31st, the 11th prime number, and ‘Pope’ sums to 11. Also, he’s dead 14 days after current Jesuit Pope Francis’ birthday, and ‘Dead’ sums to 14. Clear Jesuit ritual. Planned and scripted all by the numbers. For decodes, check these:

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Dead at 95 in Jesuit Ritual to Highlight Obama Read the Full Article »

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