athletic ability

Study on Active Young Women: Vegan Bodily Destruction

Today we return once again to and a poor summary of a recent study looking at the devastating body composition changes in young active women from adopting the destructive and deadly anti-human diet, a.k.a. the retarded “vegan diet,” for only 8 short weeks. Key study details First and foremost, you cannot adopt non-species appropriate diets in a healthy way, as any kind of plant-based edible is both toxic and useless as human nutrition. […]

Study on Active Young Women: Vegan Bodily Destruction Read the Full Article »

Some of the BIGGEST LIES in the fitness and health industry

What are some of the BIGGEST LIES in the fitness and health industry? I’ll start with a couple to get the ball rollin’, and please feel free to add whatever you see fit! Any form of ‘cardio’ or ‘exercise’ marketed or aimed to burn fat. The miniscule effect is not worth the time spent. Enjoy your family and friends instead! You burn body fat by fasting and following a sensible diet. Exercise should be

Some of the BIGGEST LIES in the fitness and health industry Read the Full Article »

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