Arturo Sosa

Man-Made Heatwave and Wildfires in Europe to Fuel the Climate Change Hoax

As most of you know, we have had the coldest summer by ages in Europe, especially in Northern Europe, as I explained in this article. So, using their weather warfare technology to cause a heatwave for a couple of days is all it takes for most sheep to forget that simple fact and how the weather has been util now. It’s also great fuel in the media for the ludicrous climate change hoax, something […]

Man-Made Heatwave and Wildfires in Europe to Fuel the Climate Change Hoax Read the Full Article »

Pope Francis to Retire?

The story about the possibility of Pope Francis to retire trended on June 20. Then, on June 21, Newsweek became the first major outlet to cover this and also reveal their two frontrunners to replace him – either a Black or an Asian pope. Now, there are a few who are certain that Pope Francis will remain in ‘power,’ because he is the ‘False Prophet,’ just as Barack Obama symbolically is the ‘Antichrist,’ and

Pope Francis to Retire? Read the Full Article »

Charlatan Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for Covid in 666-Ritual

As they try to keep the Cov-idiotism relevant and alive in the minds of the sheeple, their Jesuit puppet and fake-disease poster-boy Anthony Fauci had to step up to the plate on June 15 and fake having Covid in a clear ‘Number of the Beast’ 666-tribute ritual. June 15, 2022 is a date that can be written as 666 in numerology.6/15/2022 = 6 / (1+5) / (2+0+2+2) = 6/6/6. Anthony Fauci was born on

Charlatan Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for Covid in 666-Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Staged Shooting in Texas Elementary School on the 144th Day of The Year – Updated!

May 24th was the 144th day of the year, a big day for the Jesuit Order and a big day for current agendas such as the removal of the second amendment, aka., gun control. To honor this, the police staged another shooting, this time at Robb Elementary School, Texas. The suspect who conveniently is said to be dead was an ‘18-year-old student,’ just as 144 can be written as 1 (4+4) = 18. Jesuit

The Staged Shooting in Texas Elementary School on the 144th Day of The Year – Updated! Read the Full Article »

The Buffalo Supermarket Shooting Freemasonic ‘33’ False Flag — Updated May 19

Again, just like the South Carolina Mall Shooting on April 16, we have another shooting on a Saturday, exactly four weeks later. Saturday = 107, 53, 109, 37, 102, 642, 654Shooting = 107, 53, 109, 37, 102, 642, 654 However, more importantly, this shooting comes exactly 33-days after the last shooting in New York, the Brooklyn Subway Station Shooting on April 12. If you remember that false flag and staged shooting, the alleged shooter

The Buffalo Supermarket Shooting Freemasonic ‘33’ False Flag — Updated May 19 Read the Full Article »

Puppet Elon Musk Sells 5.6% of Tesla Shares – All by the Numbers!

Although the Twitter acquisition was part distraction, one of the big reasons for this is to flare up the debate of ‘free speech’ and ‘disinformation’ in the media. A way to split people further into different camps and scare the programmable sleeping sheep into believing that information must be governed and controlled. The ruling Elite already know by the algorithms within their social media platforms that more and more people are waking up to

Puppet Elon Musk Sells 5.6% of Tesla Shares – All by the Numbers! Read the Full Article »

Russia Allegedly Strikes Kyiv During UN Chief’s Visit

Here we go again with another Jesuit 201-ritual. And as usual, the fabricated stories by the media are so juvenile and dumbed down that you’re amazed that people actually think these things are happening. And if the war actually was real, do you think the warmongers would just say, “oh bollocks, the UN chief is visiting our most sought-after target, let’s stop attacking for a few days while he’s there, then we’ll resume the

Russia Allegedly Strikes Kyiv During UN Chief’s Visit Read the Full Article »

Jesuit-Controlled Emmanuel Macron Wins French Reelection in Freemasonic Mocking 24-42 Ritual

On February 24 we had Jesuit actors and puppets Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin invade and program the world’s consciousness in a staged and very fake war. And now, on April 24, we had Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen invade the French’s subconsciousness as Macron was reelected 58 to 42.Presidents are not elected, they are selected. They are nothing more than acting puppets. A middle-man to face the people. A Freemason doing the

Jesuit-Controlled Emmanuel Macron Wins French Reelection in Freemasonic Mocking 24-42 Ritual Read the Full Article »

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