Anthony Stephen Fauci

Anthony Fauci’s Scripted Lies About Non-Existing Covid-19

Here we are, more than four years later, and while many have woken up and realized that there never was a pandemic, that “Covid-19” never existed outside a silly computer model, a lot of sleeping and retarded people still believe that viruses exist. And as the “people” ruling over this world, and their corrupted inverted “medical health care” and pharmaceutical industry need to keep the scam going, one of their puppets, one of their […]

Anthony Fauci’s Scripted Lies About Non-Existing Covid-19 Read the Full Article »

Charlatan Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for Covid in 666-Ritual

As they try to keep the Cov-idiotism relevant and alive in the minds of the sheeple, their Jesuit puppet and fake-disease poster-boy Anthony Fauci had to step up to the plate on June 15 and fake having Covid in a clear ‘Number of the Beast’ 666-tribute ritual. June 15, 2022 is a date that can be written as 666 in numerology.6/15/2022 = 6 / (1+5) / (2+0+2+2) = 6/6/6. Anthony Fauci was born on

Charlatan Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for Covid in 666-Ritual Read the Full Article »

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