
The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial and Verdict Psy-OP

I’m not sure if I should use the word ‘hilarious’ or the word ‘sad’ when people who acknowledge that pretty much everything in the media is scripted theatre, yet they cling to obvious pys-ops such as Epstein and the Ghislaine Maxwell trial believing that it’s real. As if they can cherry-pick what is real and what is fake based on their level of Q’tardness. And now they scream for the release of a non-existent […]

The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial and Verdict Psy-OP Read the Full Article »

Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit

Being only slightly aware isn’t good enough! As people slowly wake up to the reality of our world, how it is being held hostage by the top of the power pyramid, sometimes referred to as ‘the 13 families’ (actually families from the Babylonian/Roman Empire) and their parasites within their secret societies (the Cabals), and that EVERYTHING we have been taught is a lie, the awakening can take many different roads. Some lead into the

Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit Read the Full Article »

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