Ancel Keys

Strict and Stupid Diets Wreaks Your Hormones

Today we return to T-Nation and a really important subject, a subject their Chris Shugart manages to turn into a full-blown retarded advertisement. Still, with more than 20+ active years as a high-level coach within the fitness and sports industry, this is something I worked a lot with, so let’s see what Chris has to say about the hormonal damage from strict ‘starvation’ diets. “Famine is fairly rare in today’s world, but that wasn’t […]

Strict and Stupid Diets Wreaks Your Hormones Read the Full Article »

Vegetable Oils – most toxic food additive?

Vegetable oils, or more correctly, highly processed seed oils, might be the most toxic food additive there is, and it’s found in almost every man-made food. The history of vegetable oils goes way back to the late 1800’s and the manufacturing of soap and candles. In 1870, when crude oil was first discovered and replaced cottonseed oil as fuel for lamps, Procter and Gamble decided to use the unwanted and cheap cottonseed oil instead

Vegetable Oils – most toxic food additive? Read the Full Article »

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