
Protein Synthesis: How to Sell More Useless Supplements

Today we return to a short article at T-Nation based on a study from 2017 on whole eggs vs. egg whites as a post-workout meal and its effect on ‘muscle protein synthesis.’ Once upon a time, I have to admit that I was very much into the whole para-workout nutrition thing, as I experimented a lot among both my clients who were willing to try new ideas, and other lifters that I recruited through […]

Protein Synthesis: How to Sell More Useless Supplements Read the Full Article »

Getting Enough Protein for Building Muscle is Simple

Here we go again. I could not help myself after being made aware of this article by our favorite case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, as in TC Luoma of T-Nation.Yeah, Luoma do shine on occasion with some good stuff, mostly in the humor department. Unfortunately, he’s a corporate shill and either get most things wrong, because he’s totally ignorant of human physiology, or he simply bends the truth to his agenda. Or

Getting Enough Protein for Building Muscle is Simple Read the Full Article »

Protein for Body Composition

Let’s take a break from the world-stage theatre in Israel and instead look at another article from Chris Shugart, the ‘Chief Content Officer’ at T-Nation. This time Chris looked at a new “study” where they simply increased the intake of protein by a measly 21 grams for a group of overweight people. To summarize the study, a group of “researchers” gathered up 200 people of overweight or obese men and women from all age

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The Fasted Cardio Debate

As You probably know, I’ve worked most of my life, or at least 28+ years professionally within the Health-, Fitness-, Gym-, Body Composition-, Sports-, Media- and Professional Athlete Industry, and one of the few websites I still randomly visit is T-Nation, and mostly because my old colleague from the 90’s, Christian Thibadeau, still writes for them on a regular basis. A few days ago, their ‘Chief Content Officer,’ Chris Shugart, published the article “The

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Testosterone, Part 2: benefits of testosterone and crushing some myths

Testosterone Part 2: benefits of testosterone and crushing some myths By Joachim Bartoll, June 2015, for Classic Muscle Newsletter, issue 11 In the first part we looked at our production of testosterone and the three forms of circulating testosterone within our bodies.When people speak of testosterone, most of us picture its masculine effects, such as larger muscles, more body hair and a deeper voice. However, that is only a small part of what testosterone

Testosterone, Part 2: benefits of testosterone and crushing some myths Read the Full Article »

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