The Russian and Ukraine Theatre Continues, as Joe Biden Delivered Yet Another Message by the Numbers

In a speech at the alleged White House, Biden said to Russian citizens that the US and its allies are not a threat to them and that there’s “plenty” of room for diplomacy with Russia to avoid a conflict in Europe. “The United States and NATO are not a threat to Russia. Ukraine is not a threat to Russia. Neither the US nor NATO have missiles in Ukraine. We do not — do not […]

The Russian and Ukraine Theatre Continues, as Joe Biden Delivered Yet Another Message by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

The Insanity Continues – Pfizer Seek Authorization for Their Sterilizing Vaccine for Children Younger Than 5

Yes, it’s insane. Here in Sweden, they actually stopped vaccinations against the non-existing fake covid-19 for children below 12. I guess some doctors and nurses are waking up and their conscience is weighing them down. Well, anyone willing to vaccinate a child, or any living being, should face court-martial. Again, this is why the virus lie must be exposed! As for this story, the Satanists at Pfizer and BioNTech are requesting emergency use authorization

The Insanity Continues – Pfizer Seek Authorization for Their Sterilizing Vaccine for Children Younger Than 5 Read the Full Article »

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