The ‘3’ US Troops Killed at Tower ‘22’ Psy-Op

On January 28, 2024, three US Troops were allegedly killed in Jordan at “Tower 22.” Yes, ‘3’ troops at Tower ‘22,’ as in ‘322,’ as in Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry. Not to mention the two “Tower” Symbolism. Complete mockery. And since they manufactured this fake story, it has trended every single day on CNN, all through January 28 to January 30. The fake attack was staged on January 28, it was said […]

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Grand Theft Auto VI’s Trailer is a Feast in Freemasonic Satanic Symbolism

The Grand Theft Auto videogame series has always been filled with Freemasonic and Illuminati symbolism, and also a lot of puns and jokes to desensitize the gamers towards all the secret orders and satanic references. So, it comes as no surprise that the first trailer for their upcoming Grand Theft Auto VI was released on Monday, December 4, 2023, instead of December 5 as previously stated, because it’s all in the numbers. First of

Grand Theft Auto VI’s Trailer is a Feast in Freemasonic Satanic Symbolism Read the Full Article »

Israel-Hamas, Modern Mind Warfare III

The mainstream media is already comparing the staged and fake war in Israel with previous staged and fake psy-ops like Pearl Harbor and 9/11. It’s part of their game, the revelation of the method, and their coded messages. They have to update the programming for each generation. It’s the same mind-control program they used for hundreds of years, just a different script. For a bit of the background about this Biblical fake war, please

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