Search Results for: defense chemicals toxic damage

Zero Reasons to Consume Toxic Carbohydrates

The Food Industry-, Big Pharma-, and government shill-site Healthline recently published another propaganda article, trying their best to reinforce the programming and the false “science” of carbohydrates and plant-based slave foods. As you should know, humans are obligate hyper carnivores, which means that our physiology is built and meant for consuming only the flesh and fat of animals, including some of the produce by animals, such as eggs and raw milk.This also means that […]

Zero Reasons to Consume Toxic Carbohydrates Read the Full Article »

”Superfoods” are Actually Highly Toxic Sh*t Foods

While checking a couple of websites this early morning, I just happened to see that an online publication and supplement company recently released an ‘updated’ formula of their “superfood.” Yes, these toxic ‘greens’ powders are still a thing. Gullible people within the Fitness industry make smoothies or put it in their protein shakes believing that they are healthy. Vegans drink them by the gallons in hope to nourish their malnourished, decaying, and dying bodies.

”Superfoods” are Actually Highly Toxic Sh*t Foods Read the Full Article »

The Need For Mineral Supplementation Equals A Lacking Diet

Today we return to T-Nation after weeks of them doing reruns of their advertisement articles, trying to sell you toxic supplement junk. And while this is also an advertisement article for mineral supplements, I’ve only touched on minerals in some previous articles, so let’s take a deeper look today. “If you aren’t using REAL chelated minerals, you probably have a deficiency that can lead to low T and other problems. Here’s what you need

The Need For Mineral Supplementation Equals A Lacking Diet Read the Full Article »

Cruciferous Vegetables Lower Blood Pressure By Acute Poisoning

Ah, here we go again. Medical News Today recently covered yet another extremely retarded and diabolic study where both the researchers and the authors show zero knowledge of biology, physiology and biochemistry. As with pretty much every study that is conducted by indoctrinated fools, as in those who studied within the inverted medical field and the food industry’s “nutrition science,” they find what they believe is a “positive effect,” without understanding the mechanism behind

Cruciferous Vegetables Lower Blood Pressure By Acute Poisoning Read the Full Article »

Why They Attack And Lie About Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets

Today we return to the pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today for a perfect example of the inverted pseudo-science that has infected the whole world as “Nutrition Science.” I should know, I studied and worked within that retarded sham for almost 30 years. Fortunately, I was a “low-carb” ketogenic guy, going against the mainstream, which saved my clients from the incredible harm this backwards thinking does to people all over the world on a daily

Why They Attack And Lie About Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets Read the Full Article »

Going To Bed Late Increases The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity and Diabetes

Again we return to Medical News Today and another review of a recent study where the authors found that going to bed late, independent of lifestyle factors such as late snacking, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as body fat accumulation. Of course, if you know anything about physiology, or if you’ve been coached by me and “lectured” on the importance of going to bed before 10 p.m., you should be

Going To Bed Late Increases The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity and Diabetes Read the Full Article »

The Dave Bautista Controversy And Going Plant-Based Will Destroy You

Here’s another article I really didn’t feel like writing at first, as I had never heard of this ex-wrestler ‘Dave Bautista’ until his “transformation” pictures started circulating on social media and then, of course, the clueless writer Matt Weik of “Ironmagazine” had to write about it.So, let’s humor him while stating some undeniable facts. “The internet seems to be raging on fire lately with the recent images of Dave Bautista. More specifically, his weight

The Dave Bautista Controversy And Going Plant-Based Will Destroy You Read the Full Article »

Mobile Phones And Brain Cancer

I guess some of you noticed the so-called review of “mobile phones and brain cancer” by the WHO, an cloaked lobbyist organization that works as a public shield for the elite families, their toxic food industry and their inverted and extremely evil medical field and pharmaceutical industry. WHO works in unison with the United Nations, another luciferian organization created with the same purpose. With that said, it is obvious that the main mission of

Mobile Phones And Brain Cancer Read the Full Article »

Obesity And Diabetes Does Not Cause Fatty Liver. Your Diet Does!

Today we return to the pharmaceutical shills and disinformation agents at Healthline and their attempt to break down “nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.” Well, first of all, it’s not a disease, it’s a condition developed from a non-human and very unnatural diet. So, let’s see what they have to say, and I’ll use my 30+ years of experience and understanding, backed by the real science found within the fields of physiology, biology, and biochemistry. “You

Obesity And Diabetes Does Not Cause Fatty Liver. Your Diet Does! Read the Full Article »

Nightly Light Pollution Will Hurt Your Health In Many Ways

Today we return to Medical News Today, the disinformation and shill-website for the backwards-thinking medical field and the pharmaceutical industry. This time they tackle a new study that claims that light pollution can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s in “younger people.”Again, being the backwards pseudo-scientific field of modern medicine, they focus on labeling specific “conditions” instead of understanding and explaining the cause of the symptoms and how to avoid or fix it. Let’s see

Nightly Light Pollution Will Hurt Your Health In Many Ways Read the Full Article »

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