Safety of long Anabolic Steroid use

Safety of long Anabolic Steroid use And the life after lengthy use of steroids All Four parts in one article Part 1: Introduction and the history of testosterone and Anabolic SteroidsBy Joachim Bartoll, January and February, 2017. Classic Muscle Magazine #29 As a coach and student within the fields of sports, human physiology, and performance, I first came across “underground” articles about anabolic steroids in early 1990. At that time, and in the years […]

Safety of long Anabolic Steroid use Read the Full Article »

Starting or Expanding Your Family – How nutrition and toxins influence your child

Starting or Expanding Your Family How nutrition and toxins influence your child Written by Joachim Bartoll, January 2017Classic Muscle Newsletter, February 2017 (issue #29) Since the introduction of processed food, junk food, and what we can consider the “modern diet”, including the dangerous push for plant-based foods (especially veganism); most mothers cannot nourish themselves optimally before conception, and much less during a pregnancy. The art of consuming all nutritious parts of the animal (nose-to-tail),

Starting or Expanding Your Family – How nutrition and toxins influence your child Read the Full Article »

The Epidemic of Nearsightedness, Part 2

Carbohydrates and Insulin By Joachim Bartoll, December 2016, for Classic Muscle Newsletter #28, January 2017 In Issue 24 of CMN, I wrote about the new epidemic of nearsightedness (myopia). We dismissed the belief that myopia is hereditary and looked at the most common reasons for distorted vision – the lack of natural sunshine and our recently developed habit of looking at screens and other stuff right in front of us. Our eyes need to

The Epidemic of Nearsightedness, Part 2 Read the Full Article »

Human Growth Hormone. Applications, and the aging process

Human Growth Hormone Applications, and the aging process Written by Joachim Bartoll, October 2016 and February 2017.Classic Muscle Newsletter #31 Part 1 Perhaps no other hormone in the body is subject to more misconceptions than human growth hormone (GH). If you are to believe the many claims repeatedly made on numerous web sites and blogs, as well as that often voiced by various “anti-aging clinics,” GH is a miracle hormone that can set back

Human Growth Hormone. Applications, and the aging process Read the Full Article »

The Epidemic of Nearsightedness, Part 1

Another modern disease on the rise By Joachim Bartoll, October 2016, for Classic Muscle Newsletter #24, 2016 The belief that myopia, or nearsightedness, is hereditary is so widespread that hardly no one questions it. If you find it difficult to see or focus on faraway objects, you’ll probably be given a prescription for glasses. As with doctors prescribing drugs to combat symptoms, your eye doctor isn’t interested in finding out the true underlying cause

The Epidemic of Nearsightedness, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

The Vegetarian/Vegan Protein Problem: The Dangers of Soy Products such as Tofu

The Vegetarian/Vegan Protein Problem: The Dangers of Soy Products such as Tofu Written by Joachim Bartoll, September 2016Classic Muscle Newsletter, October 2016 (issue #25) In my Ketogenic article series, I touched on the “protein problem” with vegetarian or vegan versions of the ketogenic diet. The main culprit is the low protein quality of vegetable protein sources – mainly due to lacking amino acids and containing antinutrients and fiber that block absorption. On average, only

The Vegetarian/Vegan Protein Problem: The Dangers of Soy Products such as Tofu Read the Full Article »

Low Protein Days: Fight protein habituation, improve cell health and performance

Low Protein Days Fight protein habituation, improve cell health and performance Written by Joachim Bartoll, April 17, 2016Classic Muscle Newsletter #19, 2016 In my second book, ‘The Maximum Muscle Guide,’ published in mid-2009, I wrote a chapter on protein cycling. The main reason for including “low protein days” (less than 50 g protein during 24 hours), was to avoid protein habituation. At the time of writing the book, I had used the concept of

Low Protein Days: Fight protein habituation, improve cell health and performance Read the Full Article »

SO, YOU LIKE TATTOOS? The risks of life-long toxic-mediated inflammation

SO, YOU LIKE TATTOOS? The risks of life-long toxic-mediated inflammation By Joachim Bartoll, February 2016, for Classic Muscle Newsletter #20, 2016 Tattoos have become increasingly popular over the last 20+ years; to the extent that the once somewhat daring self-statement have become diluted as people get them without even thinking.I remember discussing tattoos as a teenager in the late 80’s. Back then, the only reason we could think of to get a tattoo was

SO, YOU LIKE TATTOOS? The risks of life-long toxic-mediated inflammation Read the Full Article »

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