the world is a stage

Puppet TRUMP Won The Staged and Predetermined U.S. Presidential Election

Puppet Trump won the staged and predetermined U.S. presidential (s)election. Today the feed on Facebook, X, and other social media platforms will reveal all the retarded people and NPC’s that still believe that politics and elections are real. A perfect day to clean up your friend list. I will not cover the gematria, the numbers, the occult astrology, or any of the scripting behind the election, as I’ve already touched on that years ago […]

Puppet TRUMP Won The Staged and Predetermined U.S. Presidential Election Read the Full Article »

Leave The World Behind and “Predictive Programming”

I guess I had to mention this atrocious piece of “movie” sooner or later as my ‘social media feeds’ are still clogged up by it. And yes, I painfully watched it solely for the symbolism and the baby-truthers yelling “predictive programming.” The movie is extremely coded and deeply satanic, as expected when directed by American Film Institute Conservatory trained Sam Esmail and produced by Barack and Michelle Obama through their Higher Ground Productions company.

Leave The World Behind and “Predictive Programming” Read the Full Article »

Matthew Perry “Dead” by The Numbers, or is He?

As I’m pressed for time this morning, this will be a short summary of the much-debated Matthew Perry’s alleged death. First and foremost, you need to realize that every single celebrity, star, and public figure on the world stage that get exposure is heavily controlled. They only let people that they control get exposure. These people are either mind-controlled puppets, as in under contract and controlled by handlers, or they are in the club,

Matthew Perry “Dead” by The Numbers, or is He? Read the Full Article »

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 1

I’ve touched on this in many articles, for example in my ‘A quick look at the Media and the News,’ and in many news-stories decodes. Most of the time though, I tend to leave it out as it’s a bit too much for people to take in and understand. So, in this article series we will take a deeper look at what role astrology plays on our world-stage and then go through a few

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

A Quick Break — And a Few Words on The Theatre in France

If you’ve followed my Mind Control series, you should probably be able to see through all the smoke and mirrors at this stage. Yes, there’s allegedly riots in France after a staged and fake shooting of a 17-year-old teenager, however, they’re all theatrical acts with paid crisis actors and the Freemasonic police. The footage presented in the media are cherry-picked clips (and even deepfake with green-screen actors) from these small staged riots from isolated

A Quick Break — And a Few Words on The Theatre in France Read the Full Article »

Jerry Springer Dead at 79 by The Numbers

One of the trending stories on April 27th was that of the former Cincinnati mayor and long time TV host Jerry Springer, who died at 79-years old, allegedly after a bout with pancreatic cancer. Jerry was most known as one of the pioneers of the awful, profane, and embarrassing genre of confrontational daytime television, aka., ‘trash TV,’ often recorded “live” with crisis actors acting as couples staging rehearsed physical confrontations.I remember seeing a few

Jerry Springer Dead at 79 by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

Fetterman’s Masonic Shaming Ritual as He Return to Senate

Allegedly, Senator John Fetterman, who suffered a stroke during a campaign trail has been hospitalized for clinical depression since mid-February and returned this Wednesday, April 19, to the Senate with a very sloppy and choppy opening statement that made the dumbed-down and sleeping sheep on social media question his mental health and ability to do his job (as in playing a democrat senator with a ‘disability’ on the world stage to mock the U.S.

Fetterman’s Masonic Shaming Ritual as He Return to Senate Read the Full Article »

Clown World: U.S. Military Shoots Down Yet Another Object on Satanic Super Bowl Day

They just can’t help themselves. First there was an alleged Chinese “spy balloon,” then an ‘object’ over Alaska on Friday, then another ‘unidentified object’ over Canada on Saturday, and now, yet another ‘high-altitude object’ on Sunday, the day of the Satanic and extremely ritualistic Super Bowl, the day of bread and circuses for the dumbed down sleeping masses. Allegedly, another unidentified object at 20,000 feet over Michigan’s Upper Peninsula was shot down by a

Clown World: U.S. Military Shoots Down Yet Another Object on Satanic Super Bowl Day Read the Full Article »

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