
Trending: Covid-19 Vaccine Classified as Schedule 4 Poison in Australia — What it Actually Means

Recently, a few websites, and repeated posts on social media, showed a screenshot snippet of a document dated to March 2021, from Jacinda de Witts, Acting Secretary to the Department of Health in Australia, stating that ‘Covid-19 Vaccine is a Schedule 4 Poison.’ For many, this was ‘proof’ that vaccines are poison and very harmful. However, that is not the whole story… And no, the document is not ‘leaked.’ You can find that document […]

Trending: Covid-19 Vaccine Classified as Schedule 4 Poison in Australia — What it Actually Means Read the Full Article »

WHO says, “End of Covid-19 Pandemic is in Sight,” but Do Not get Fooled

A couple of news outlets, including CNN, ran with this story about ending the staged and fake plan-demic yesterday after a recent statement from the World Hell Organization, also known as ‘the propaganda machine that keep people sick, weak and enslaved.’ At a first glance, the sheeple will get a hefty dose of hopium with strong words such as, “We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic.” Then, if you

WHO says, “End of Covid-19 Pandemic is in Sight,” but Do Not get Fooled Read the Full Article »

Moderna Starts Another Covid-19 Vaccine 666-Trial Ritual in Kids Younger than 12

While the sheep are distracted by the staged theatre in Ukraine and the fake pandemic seems to be on hold, the powers of evil is still marching on in the shadows laying the groundwork for the depopulation agenda – and as always, it’s done in a ritualistic manner by the numbers. On the 16th of March, as in 16/3, like 163, Moderna announced this new vaccine trial for kids aged 6 months to 11

Moderna Starts Another Covid-19 Vaccine 666-Trial Ritual in Kids Younger than 12 Read the Full Article »

The Insanity Continues – Pfizer Seek Authorization for Their Sterilizing Vaccine for Children Younger Than 5

Yes, it’s insane. Here in Sweden, they actually stopped vaccinations against the non-existing fake covid-19 for children below 12. I guess some doctors and nurses are waking up and their conscience is weighing them down. Well, anyone willing to vaccinate a child, or any living being, should face court-martial. Again, this is why the virus lie must be exposed! As for this story, the Satanists at Pfizer and BioNTech are requesting emergency use authorization

The Insanity Continues – Pfizer Seek Authorization for Their Sterilizing Vaccine for Children Younger Than 5 Read the Full Article »

CDC Recommends Booster Shot for Children on the 666th Day of the Fake Pandemic

On January 5, 2022, the 666th day since the WHO’s declaration of the fake and staged pandemic, the CDC has recommended booster shots for children ages 12-15. This goes hand-in-hand with my article from yesterday with the alleged “scientist” claiming that we cannot vaccinate everyone several times a year, and instead has to focus on the children. You know, making sure that they get the real deal and not only salt water so they

CDC Recommends Booster Shot for Children on the 666th Day of the Fake Pandemic Read the Full Article »

We can’t vaccinate the planet every six months,’ No shit Sherlock!

I covered this before. Most vaccination shots are salt water. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to manufacture as many real vaccine vials as they claim is being distributed.In this article, they mention that, “we can’t vaccinate the planet every four to six months. It’s not sustainable or affordable.” One vial of “vaccine” contains 5 to 6 doses. Let’s say that 5 billion of the world’s nearly 8 billion people can be vaccinated. That is 10 to 15

We can’t vaccinate the planet every six months,’ No shit Sherlock! Read the Full Article »

When you thought it could not get any dumber: Flurona!

Nope my intelligent friend, it’s not a joke. Some “doctors” in Israel claims that they have found a “double infection” of ‘influenza’ and ‘covid’ in a young pregnant woman. Imagine that, discovering two made-up diseases in one and the same person. It’s like finding that pink unicorn and discovering that it actually farts rainbows. Wow, much rare. In all seriousness. This retarded pandemic should have anyone with a brain questioning the narrative and all

When you thought it could not get any dumber: Flurona! Read the Full Article »

The Evil Sees No Bounds – Pfizer to Vaccinate Children 2-5 Years Old with 3 Boosters

They will not give up until our children has been sterilized through vaccination. The depopulation agenda is in full swing and the majority of people are still sleeping through it all, enabling this totalitarian society we now find ourselves in.Unless you say NO and expose the virus lie, this will continue until they reach their New World Order, and we, the human race, will lose. In this satanic ritual, Vaccine maker Pfizer said this

The Evil Sees No Bounds – Pfizer to Vaccinate Children 2-5 Years Old with 3 Boosters Read the Full Article »

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