Silent Weapons

The Covid Virus LIE – They’re Going After our Animals: What we can expect in the next few years…

They have been playing at this for some time now, that animals could get infected with fantasy viruses, something that does not even exist. Unfortunately, the majority of people are dumber than a bag of nuts, and are still believing in the pandemic hoax, the contagion fraud – all of the bullocks despite years of evidence of the contrary. The document from states this: “New human coronaviruses can originate from domesticated animals. HCoV-OC43 […]

The Covid Virus LIE – They’re Going After our Animals: What we can expect in the next few years… Read the Full Article »

A look into the Secret Societies and the Vision for our World

If you don’t know how the world has been run since the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 where they draw the first draft of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, and what has been happening since then and is going on now, this is a good introduction. The text below is at least 40 years old. An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perceptionThose who will see it will

A look into the Secret Societies and the Vision for our World Read the Full Article »

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