
Puppet Elon Musk Mocked Twitter Worker with Disability

The story goes like this. Haraldur Thorleifsson, an Iceland-based Twitter senior director, tweeted to Musk that access to his computer had been cut off nine days earlier, when Twitter reportedly laid off some 200 employees. Thorleifsson said in his tweet, “your head of HR is not able to confirm if I am an employee or not.” Musk responded in a tweet asking, “what work have you been doing?” When Thorleifsson provided a list of […]

Puppet Elon Musk Mocked Twitter Worker with Disability Read the Full Article »

Natural Law, your rights and the ongoing Scamdemic – Part 1: your job and vaccines

Let’s start with a major concern – companies trying to get their employees to take the CONvid-1984 maiming vaccine for something that does not exist. First, it’s not a vaccine, it’s an experimental chemical cocktail pretending to be a medical procedure.If they want you to take the ‘vaccine’, do not go beyond your ability – your knowledge, understanding and communication skills of Natural Law. Don’t start with threatening people, don’t do statements, don’t get

Natural Law, your rights and the ongoing Scamdemic – Part 1: your job and vaccines Read the Full Article »

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