Deep State

The Trump Colorado and US Supreme Court Theatre

So, on December 19, the day leaving a Skull and Bones Freemasonic 322 days until the US election on November 5, 2024, the Colorado Supreme Court disqualified Freemason Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot. And on December 20, the media “news” headlines added that the US Supreme Court may decide the 2024 election, as in deciding if Trump is even eligible to be on the ballot and whether he’s immune to prosecution. For anyone […]

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 29

In part 28, the power struggle for being emperor of the Roman Empire continued to escalate during the 300th century, all while the empire was attacked on several fronts by the Goths and the Palmyrene Empire.However, by 274 AD, emperor Aurelian managed to invade both the Palmyrene Empire of North Africa as well as Gaul and Britain in Western Europe, and reclaimed the old territories of the former Roman Empire.Aurelian also had the Temple

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 29 Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 21

While NASA staged their Perseverance rover on Mars in February of 2021 with ‘photoshopped’ images from Earth, the media was buzzing as of late 2000 and early 2021 about the US government and Department of Defense admitting to having a ‘secret UFO taskforce,’ The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, or UAPTF. This sparked new theories in the conspiracy realm about Project Bluebeam and a looming staged and faked alien invasion. Whether that ever will

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World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 2

This article series was written for those who are waking up and for baby truthers that are still trapped in the matrix, in the illusion of left vs. right, of world-stage theatrics such as believing in mass and school shootings, The Deep State, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or the staged war in Ukraine.I might come back and update this series, as it was written during an hour in the morning and using some copy-paste

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 2 Read the Full Article »

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 4

This is the fourth part where we look at misleading and false ‘conspiracy theories,’ as in psychological operations playing on baby ‘truthers’ and serving like chickenfeed of useless misinformation, keeping you running in circles — or how they are hiding what is going on behind operations that are intended to look like conspiracies. The previous parts can be found here: Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 2Truther Psy-Ops

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 4 Read the Full Article »

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1

This will be a little series of articles where we look at misleading and false ‘conspiracy theories,’ as in psychological operations playing on baby ‘truthers’ and serving like chickenfeed of useless misinformation. Before we dive into the list, let’s do a quick recap of how the world actually works. What most people think is real and what they believe is going on in the world, is actually most of the time staged, scripted and

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

Alex Jones ‘Grilled’ by Sandy Hook Families’ Lawyer Over ‘Hoax’ Claims

As you should know by now, all ‘school-’ and ‘mass-’ shootings are staged by the police and the government using crisis actors and members belonging to Freemasonry. They are totally fake events staged to further their agendas of surveillance and removal of your rights and freedom, and to keep people in fear and to be suspicious and hateful of anyone questioning this, as we will get to.As more people become aware of these hoaxes

Alex Jones ‘Grilled’ by Sandy Hook Families’ Lawyer Over ‘Hoax’ Claims Read the Full Article »

Trump Openly Embraces the CIA Psy-Op ‘QAnon’ (Q)

Since the old communist counterintelligence ‘operation trust’ reemerged as the CIA Psy-op “Q” in 2017, with what is most likely Marcus Goldfinch who ultimately will be revealed as ‘Q,’ Donald Trump has had plausible deniability of his involvement with this fake controlled opposition movement. However, after the new script began on August 16th, with the staged and totally fake raid of his Mar-a-Lago estate, Trump has been posting a lot of ‘Q’ related crap

Trump Openly Embraces the CIA Psy-Op ‘QAnon’ (Q) Read the Full Article »

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