Bonus: Ultraviolet Light to Kill Microbes – Decoded

This is just for fun, since everything they do is by the numbers. If you want to understand the true evil behind this idea, please read my previous article about this “scientific discovery” and why microbes are so important for life, health, and recovery. They say a new kind of ‘light’ kills almost all microbes and the fools says it could prevent ‘next pandemic.’ And how nice of them to tell us that they […]

Bonus: Ultraviolet Light to Kill Microbes – Decoded Read the Full Article »

Banned for 30-days on Facebook Again For Exposing Lies

Ah, look at this, we have some soy-boy sheeple crying, bleating and reporting posts again. How sad. How truly sad that ‘people’ like that exist in this day and age. If you can’t handle the truth, just go to your little satanic safe-zone in front of the tell-a-lie-vision. You’re obviously not ready for the real world yet. This simply means that if you post comments or tag me on Facebook, I will not be

Banned for 30-days on Facebook Again For Exposing Lies Read the Full Article »

Ultraviolet Light to Kill Microbes Could Prevent the Next Staged Plan-demic, Pseudo-Scientists Say — While in Reality it Will Make Us Sicker and Weaker

Let’s say that this light actually works and kill microorganisms, what exactly does that mean?According to biology and accepted science, a microorganism, or microbe, is a living organism of microscopic size, which may exist in a single-celled form or as a colony of cells all around us and within us. The most common types are bacteria, viruses and fungi. And right there they contradicted their own ‘science,’ since their definition of non-existing viruses is

Ultraviolet Light to Kill Microbes Could Prevent the Next Staged Plan-demic, Pseudo-Scientists Say — While in Reality it Will Make Us Sicker and Weaker Read the Full Article »

Omicron XE Covid Variant Only Exist in the Media as a Tribute to The Jesuit Order

I wrote about this on our uncensored online community Ungovernable on April 2 as it emerged in the British press. Now, by April 4, most media outlets seem to have picked up on it. Again, it’s a new computer model of something that does not exist, as viruses and transferable diseases are an impossibility in nature. All made up bullocks to keep people in fear and fuel the multi-billion pharmaceutical industry – and of

Omicron XE Covid Variant Only Exist in the Media as a Tribute to The Jesuit Order Read the Full Article »

The Sacramento Capital Shooting Ritual and Gavin Newsom’s Gun Control Speech

Most of us know by now that pretty much all shootings are either staged drills or false flag operations carried out by the Freemasons within the police. As for the shooting in California’s capital, Sacramento, it comes exactly 44-days after Governor Gavin Newsom’s February 18 gun control speech. And that is what these staged and mostly fake shootings are all about – removing rights and introducing new laws. Shooting = 44Firearms = 44Officer =

The Sacramento Capital Shooting Ritual and Gavin Newsom’s Gun Control Speech Read the Full Article »

This Week at Ungovernable

A few gleanings from the past week and the most popular posts at our Uncensored Community Ungovernable. Downloadable PDF: everything that was wrong about the fake and staged terror-attack at ‘Drottninggatan’ in Stockholm, Sweden, on April 7, 2017. Hot topics: The Ukrainian Bio-Labs Psy-Op and other Q-nonsense  Psy-Op: Lab created viruses and contagious bio-weapons. It’s biologically impossible  More on food shortages and what is happening (is it a psy-op?)  The attack on animals and

This Week at Ungovernable Read the Full Article »

CNN Claim Putin is Making the same Mistakes as Hitler

As the staged and mostly fake war continues in the media, CNN made up a very special story for April 2. According to the article, Putin is committing some of the same blunders that doomed Germany’s 1941 invasion of the USSR — while using “Hitler-like tricks and tactics” to justify his brutality. What a perfect comparison with “World War History” for April 2, a date that is written 4/2, like 42, the very popular

CNN Claim Putin is Making the same Mistakes as Hitler Read the Full Article »

Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill Becomes the Focus of April Fools Day

Fools indeed! On that day, the phrase ‘Don’t Say Gay,’ becomes the big focus of the media – and again, by no surprise. April 1 = 4/1 = 41 Don’t Say Gay = 41 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would be open to stripping Walt Disney Co. of its special self-governing status over its public opposition to the recently enacted “Don’t Say Gay” law. Self Governing = 153, 72April Fools Day = 153,

Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill Becomes the Focus of April Fools Day Read the Full Article »

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