Politics / Government

Sao Paulo Mayor Bruno Covas dies of cancer at 41

All by the numbers, but it’s only a coincidence, right? Bruno died on May 16, 2021 = 5+16+20+21 = 62His full name “Bruno Covas Lopes“: 62Sacrifice: 62Ritual: 62Jesuit Order: 62 (Jew Red)Mason: 62 He died 39 days after his birthday, or his 40th day of his age, and he died on 16/5, like 165.Masonry: 39Jesuits: 39 (Septenary)Freemasonry: 39 (Septenary)Scottish Rite: 165 He died on the 40th day of his age.Bruno Covas: 40Brazi: 40Order 322: […]

Sao Paulo Mayor Bruno Covas dies of cancer at 41 Read the Full Article »

How to save Humanity – Voluntaryism

How to save Humanity, very good talks by Larken Rose on Voluntaryism. Voluntaryism is the doctrine that relations among people should be by mutual consent, or not at all. There should be no Government. It represents a means, an end, and an insight. It flows perfectly with our Natural True Law. .

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Jesuit Puppet Trump will run for President in 2024?

As always, everything is scripted by the numbers using Gematria. That is how they cast their spells and communicate.The Zionist loving Jesuit puppet Donald Trump was interviewed on April 20, 2021, which just happened to be the 110th day of the year and also Adolf Hitler’s birthday.President: 110Adolf Hitler: 110 The interview came 55 days before Trump’s birthday.Second Term: 55 2024 President: 55, 141, 602024 White House: 55, 141, 60 Trump said he is

Jesuit Puppet Trump will run for President in 2024? Read the Full Article »

Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit

Being only slightly aware isn’t good enough! As people slowly wake up to the reality of our world, how it is being held hostage by the top of the power pyramid, sometimes referred to as ‘the 13 families’ (actually families from the Babylonian/Roman Empire) and their parasites within their secret societies (the Cabals), and that EVERYTHING we have been taught is a lie, the awakening can take many different roads. Some lead into the

Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit Read the Full Article »

From the silly headlines, what lies ahead… A few thoughts and speculation.

I see more and more ‘news stories’ that hints to the possibility that the fantasy Corona ‘Covid-19’ has begun to disappear. That it has run its course.At the same time, they are very keen on pointing out the lie that the rate of contagion, the spread of infection, is still rising. This is of course pure bollocks, since contagion is based on a Rockefeller-sponsored lie. We cannot transmit diseases. But this lie is very

From the silly headlines, what lies ahead… A few thoughts and speculation. Read the Full Article »

What can we do in the fight for our freedom?

That is one of the questions I see the most when we uncover and expose controlled opposition, the meddling of the cabal, and all their staged events. First, I have been researching truths since 1998 and I base all my findings and information on these 23 years of experience. Also, I only present information to shake you out of your slumber, to get you to ask questions, and to get you to do your

What can we do in the fight for our freedom? Read the Full Article »

Olof Palme was NOT a man of the people

Just saw this post on FB about Olof Palme and how people commented that he was a great leader. So, I had to write a short 5-minutes rant/post about this. And yes, this is how clueless a lot of Swedes are about our history, our former ‘leaders’ and our world in general. And if you read this post, you’ll know why. While most Swedish high-ranking politicians has been invited to the Bilderberg Meetings to

Olof Palme was NOT a man of the people Read the Full Article »

A look into the Secret Societies and the Vision for our World

If you don’t know how the world has been run since the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 where they draw the first draft of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, and what has been happening since then and is going on now, this is a good introduction. The text below is at least 40 years old. An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perceptionThose who will see it will

A look into the Secret Societies and the Vision for our World Read the Full Article »

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