Diet and Nutrition

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 38, 2022

As you probably know, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding took a sharp turn […]

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 38, 2022 Read the Full Article »

People are Stressed and Exhausted as They Focus on Energy Drinks and ‘Calories’ Instead of Nutritional Density

“People are stressed out and exhausted. The past two and a half years, full of public health crises, recession and inflation…” Well, I can almost agree with that reasoning. A lot of people are stressed out, exhausted and financially broken after living through the staged and fake pandemic and the increases in living cost from manipulated and rigged price increases of electricity, gasoline, and food. And even worse, people have been conditioned and brainwashed

People are Stressed and Exhausted as They Focus on Energy Drinks and ‘Calories’ Instead of Nutritional Density Read the Full Article »

Fructose MD ‘CowsEatGrass’ Controlled Opposition Shill Lying to You!

I see vile creatures lying on the interwebs – posting some small truthful bits and pieces about meat, organ meats, and cholesterol only to cover that he’s shilling for big sugar. I’m not sure if this is “Carnivore Aurelius” going Full-Shill-Retard, or if it’s the gatekeeper Honey-boy Paul Saladino. Who cares anyway? It’s a vile lying imbecile piece of shit. Carbohydrates, as in sugar, is extremely toxic and that is why blood sugar control

Fructose MD ‘CowsEatGrass’ Controlled Opposition Shill Lying to You! Read the Full Article »

Fat Loss Made Simple – Forget About Calories and Cardio

In October 2006, almost 16 years ago, I wrote an extremely controversial, yet very important article called ‘Cardio Sucks’ for the Swedish leading Bodybuilding and Fitness Magazine ‘Body.’ It actually did some impact on clueless athletes and coaches here in Sweden, but in the big scenario of things, not much has changed since I wrote that and countless of other articles on similar topics. I still see people focusing on the completely wrong things,

Fat Loss Made Simple – Forget About Calories and Cardio Read the Full Article »

The Infant/Baby Formula Propaganda and Programming

I guess most people have seen the headlines during the few last weeks about a shortage of infant/baby formula – and the ritual of Germany sending 35 tons to the US this last Sunday. This shortage is fabricated and the reason behind this is the ongoing agenda to weaken our population and make it dependent on their fake ‘modern medicine’ and pharmaceuticals. If you understand anything about biology and physiology, this is very logical

The Infant/Baby Formula Propaganda and Programming Read the Full Article »

Weight Gain and Why Some Pack on the Pounds While Others Struggle

As a former trainer, coach, and body transformation specialist, I’ve covered this subject many times when talking with clients and answering questions online. The topic resurfaced at our Community Forums at Ungovernable, so I decided to write this article to cover all the basics and to put some myths and bro-science to rest. The first excuse, or “explanation” you hear, is about your metabolism. You know, “I eat a lot but have a high

Weight Gain and Why Some Pack on the Pounds While Others Struggle Read the Full Article »

LMHR Hypothesis by Dave Feldman and The Real Science on Cholesterol

By request of a good friend, this will be a quick review of this video (below) by Dave Feldman, where he is asking for participants for a study on cholesterol and plaque build-up. While his intention might be good, he has no idea of what he is doing and is mixing pseudo-science into his own hypothesizes. This all goes back to the “doctors” (charlatans) Brown and Goldstein, who allegedly saw a patient that in

LMHR Hypothesis by Dave Feldman and The Real Science on Cholesterol Read the Full Article »

Stupid misconceptions about “Ketosis” and ‘Ketogenic Diets’

Again, I see so much nonsense, especially from the dying vegtard cult, but even from people calling themselves nutritionists or “nutrition scientists” – which is hilarious since the “study of nutrition” for human beings is an ideology, not a science. Below are five points that I hear over and over again as soon as some total dimwit open his or her mouth. 1. Your body need glucose and thus being in ketosis is bad

Stupid misconceptions about “Ketosis” and ‘Ketogenic Diets’ Read the Full Article »

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