A lot of studies nowadays are a total waste of time and resources. Most of the time when browsing new “study finds” and summaries, you will likely keep repeating the question, “how the f**k did they come up with researching such a useless and retarded thing?” Well, today’s study summary from Examine.com is no exception. Hopefully I can salvage it by adding something useful.
Quick Summary
“In this randomized crossover trial, 44 adult participants ate sourdough or yeast bread for breakfast. The researchers looked for glucose concentrations post-meal and energy consumption at lunch.”
Sourdough or yeast bread? Bread? Really? Bread is just as bad as the atrocious oat-meal garbage. It’s one of the worst, most toxic and useless slave “foods” ever invented. And as with anything plant-based, calling it a “food” is a misnomer. It’s just a toxic edible with almost zero nutritional value. Sheesh.
And glucose concentrations, as in how quickly the toxic glucose enters the bloodstream is irrelevant due to their backwards thinking. It’s the total glucose exposure and how long it lasts that is the real offender — as in the total time soft tissues are being exposed to unnaturally elevated levels of glucose.
And as for energy consumption in the following meal, considering that bread has zero nutritional value, it will not differ in size as their bodies will still “scream” for nourishment, as in making them hungry and ravenous for “food.”
Key study details
“The sourdough and yeast breads were made from the same whole-wheat flour and were similar in energy content.”
If they were similar in energy content, that meant that they had about the same concentration of carbohydrates, so in that sense, the sourdough bread will be more harmful as the increased fiber content and lactic acid will make these carbohydrates enter the bloodstream as glucose “slower,” as in for a longer period of time, thus doing more damage to soft tissues and organs over time.

“Glucose concentrations were lower at 15 and 30 minutes after eating sourdough bread than after eating yeast bread. C-peptide levels (an indicator of insulin production) were lower for 90 minutes after sourdough consumption than after yeast bread.”
Yes, because sourdough bread contains more lactic acid produced during fermentation, which slows down the digestion of carbohydrates and it also contains more damaging fiber that slows down digestion.

However, contrary to the retarded belief of “fast” and “slow” carbohydrates, this is not a good thing, as any amount of glucose above normal safe levels as maintained by our body and gluconeogenesis is damaging to soft tissues. It’s actually better with a quick spike of glucose that is quickly eliminated by a lot of insulin, than a slow and steady onset of glucose that lingers in the bloodstream doing a lot of damage to soft tissues for an extended period of time.

“Sourdough bread resulted in slower gastric emptying and reduced short-term glucose levels, but energy consumption at lunch was similar between the conditions. Energy consumption at lunch (4 hours after breakfast) was the primary study outcome.”
Told you. As bread is loaded with antinutrients and fiber that bind up minerals and proteins, and the fact that all “nutrients” in plants are in the wrong inorganic chemical form, and thus requires conversation in the body — a process they yields very little in return and also is very toxic — extremely little nutrition could actually be extracted from that retarded breakfast meal. And as we know, what governs hunger and cravings are our nutritional status. If we are low on nutrients, or even experience nutrient deficiencies, we will be hungry all the time. And only real bioavailable and organic nutrients will leave you satiated for longer periods of time. A longer gastric emptying will do nothing for satiety once that stomach is empty again. The little “satiety” you might experience after a slowly digesting meal is only temporary, it’s not real satiety.

All this should be common sense for anyone who even looked at physiology and/or biochemistry. And thus, retarded studies like these should not even be considered, as you already know and understand the outcome — even more so, if you like me, have coached and worked with people for more than 35 years; working with thousands of clients from all walks of life (and especially within bodybuilding and fitness with fat loss and “energy restriction”) and thus with a multitude of different nutritional plans and goals.
So, to conclude, the only way to feel satiated and not having to eat all the time is to make sure that your nutritional foundation is built upon fully bioavailable and nutrient-packed animal-based foods. For us humans, who are obligate hyper carnivores, animal foods are the only source of fully absorbable organic nutrients and also the only way to nourish our bodies. The more you strafe away from that path, the more likely it is that you develop nutrient deficiencies and also a high toxic load, two things that are detrimental to your health and wellbeing.
In other words, if you do not feel satiated and/or if you feel hungry or have cravings during the day, your diet is severely lacking. If you follow our natural human diet of only animal-based foods, you should be more than full and satiated with only two or three meals a day — and you should never experience hunger or cravings, even if you “miss” a meal or two. Actually, I’m good with one meal a day, especially if I have some organ meats or a lot of eggs, but I know I need more to maintain my weight and muscle mass, so I simply eat another meal or two.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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