A globe earth spinning through space is unproven pseudo-science, but is still believed worldwide. It is a huge lie that has taken on a life of its own. Anyone who dares question it is mocked and ridiculed.
What most people don’t know is that the ridiculous idea of heliocentrism was invented and calculated on by Jesuit priests of the Catholic Church. The theories from their front man Nicolaus Copernicus of the Third Order of St. Dominic, was chosen to document and present the idea, but not until after his death. Making big changes takes time and they pretended to fight this “heresy” and making good drama for the history books by, for example, persecuting Galileo Galilei to house arrest who was chosen to push the “ideas” of Copernicus. Notice that Copernicus was born February 19, and died on May 24, at age 70, in 1543, on the 144th day of the year.
Jesuit Order = 144 (English Ordinal)
Copernicus also died on his 95th day of his age. Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order, were recognized by Rome in 1540, 3 years before his death, on the day leaving 95 days left in the year, to counter the 95 Theses of Martin Luther.
Meanwhile we also had the (invented?) character Tycho Brahe, who curiously share the same gematria as the Jesuit Francis Bacon, also known for being William Shakespeare.

Brahe was supposedly exiled in 1597 and brought in by the Roman Emperor Rudolph II. Many years after Brahe’s death in 1601, Jesuit priest Albert Curtz continued his work. Everything about both the geocentric and heliocentric models are the work of Jesuit priests and their minions – as always, the only way to rule and shape history is to control both sides of an argument, both models, which both were fake.
In Heliocentrism the sun is said to be 93 million miles away. Of course, the Gregorian calendar was introduced shortly after the introduction of Heliocentrism – both inventions of Catholic and Jesuit priests.
God’s Son = 93
Crucifix = 93
Nazareth = 93
Saturn = 93 (aka the Sun God)
Triclavianism = 93 (the belief that three nails were used to crucify Jesus Christ, important for the secret societies)
The 930th (as in 93) chapter of the Bible is where the New Testament begins, the Christian section. And in the Bible, Jesus is crucified between 9 AM and 3 PM (as in 93.) And modern science said the crucifixion date was April 3, which is the 93rd day of the Gregorian Calendar year.
Gregorian also ties in very well when using their language of gematria…
Gregorian = 94
Helios = 94
Also, the most important keywords are tied together using gematria.
Helios = 68
Solar System = 68
Planet = 68
Catholicism = 68
And the first faked flight to “orbit the moon” was in ’68 as a ritualistic tribute.
Gregorian = 58
Solar Cycle = 58
Star = 58
Stars = 58
Zodiac = 58
And most importantly…

Heliocentrism = 69 & 201 (Full reduction & Reverse Ordinal)
The Jesuit Order = 69 & 201 (Full reduction & Reverse Ordinal)
Heliocentric Theory = 201 (Jewish Ordinal)
Triclavianism = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)
Remember, Helios was the god of the sun in Greek mythology.
And in light of the Copernicus model where Earth is revolving around the sun, the Jesuit logo is the ‘sun.’
It was also a Vatican Jesuit priest, Georges Lemaître, that came up with the big bang theory and the expanding universe (widely misattributed to Edwin Hubble) – big bang as in bb or 66, short for The Number of the Beast (as all coding and numerology in Heliocentrism are Satanic.)
He also called his Big Bang Theory for the “hypothesis of the primeval atom,” or simply, “the cosmic egg.”
Lemaître was supposedly a colleague of the actor and patent-clerk puppet Albert Einstein, who was used to re-introduce old ideas and make fake science and fictious theories into accepted science.
The Cosmic Egg = 60
Triclavianism = 60
Three Nails = 60 (three nails theory from Triclavianism)
We also have the new Tychos Model (Geoaxial Binary Solar System) where Earth is supposedly orbit in the Sun-Mars (the two gods that are very important to the Jesuits and Freemasons) binary system, completing one orbit in 25344 years. That is 2+5+3+4+4 = 18, the very special number that is 6+6+6, just as in heliocentrism where Earth revolves around the sun at (66,6)00 mph, and curvature of one square mile is (666) ft, and Earth tilts at 66.6 degrees.
Geoaxial Binary Solar System = 111 & 150
Three Nails = 111 & 150 (as in Triclavianism)
With that being said, Earth is a closed system, that is all I’m certain about. You cannot go outside of it. There is no “outer space.” The shape? Who knows? I never seen any curvature not while flying or from any high-altitude balloons equipped with cameras, nor has any of my friends that are military pilots. It’s either a levelled or tilted plane or much, much larger than we’re told. But it does not really matter, since we already know that they lie about everything, which make accepted models fake. Discussing it is often fruitless as it trigger people more than even religion.